Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Definition – What is a cavernous hemangioma? A hemangioma consists of incorrectly formed blood vessels. They are usually also called haemangiomas. They are benign growths that displace the surrounding tissue, but are normally harmless. They can be found on various tissues, such as the eye socket, skin or liver. The cavernous hemangioma is a special … Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms It is relatively rare that a cavernous hemangioma does not regress by the age of five. However, it can happen that a very slowly growing hemangioma does not cause symptoms until a higher age. In hemangiomas of the skin you may notice a soft bluish-purple discolored bump … I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma The disease usually occurs during birth or a few days after birth. Either the cavernous hemangioma disappears after months or years, it remains the same size and does not cause any problems, or it grows and needs treatment. No new hemangiomas develop in the course of life, but they … Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Metastases/proliferation of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung | Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?

Metastases/proliferation of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung Lung cancer is a cancer that often and readily metastasizes. Since the tumor is usually diagnosed late, in many cases a metastasis already exists at the time of diagnosis. Since in the case of a metastasis, the cancer has already spread throughout the body, a cure for … Metastases/proliferation of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung | Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung | Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung The therapy depends on the stage of the cancer. In many cases, lung cancer is unfortunately detected very late, so that a radical therapy has to be carried out. In some cases it is unfortunately also no longer possible to cure the cancer. There are then only … Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung | Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?

Stages of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung | Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?

Stages of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung The stage classification is based on the size of the cancer and how far it has spread to lymph nodes or other organs. It is divided into stages 0-4. In stage 0, the tumor is still very small and only affects the uppermost layer.In stage 1 the … Stages of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung | Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?

Dizziness when bending

Introduction Dizziness when bending is a dizziness that occurs when the body position changes rapidly to a bent position. The dizziness is described in the majority of cases as rotational vertigo and the affected persons feel as if they were sitting on a merry-go-round. There are several possible causes for this. The most common is … Dizziness when bending

Associated symptoms | Dizziness when bending

Associated symptoms If dizziness occurs when bending down, other accompanying symptoms may be added. Often, the affected persons become black before their eyes or they see lightning, for example. Such visual disturbances usually only occur during the dizziness attack. In addition, some people experience outbreaks of sweating and ringing in the ears. A faster beating … Associated symptoms | Dizziness when bending

Heart stumbling through the thyroid gland

Definition Heart stumbling is the term used to describe extra beats of the heart that occur outside the normal heart rhythm. In technical jargon, they are called extrasystoles. They often occur in young, heart-healthy people, but triggers or causes are not always to be found. However, certain thyroid diseases can promote the (increased) occurrence of … Heart stumbling through the thyroid gland

The diagnosis | Heart stumbling through the thyroid gland

The diagnosis In order to make a diagnosis of heart stumbling due to thyroid disease, the extrasystoles must first be detected in an ECG. Often this is not possible in a normal ECG because the derivation time of the heart action is only a few seconds and extrasystoles usually occur much less frequently. Therefore, the … The diagnosis | Heart stumbling through the thyroid gland