Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding In the first 6 weeks after the birth you should definitely avoid dieting and starving. Non-nursing mothers often find it more difficult to lose weight after the birth. To lose weight without breastfeeding it helps to change your diet slowly. You should have breakfast every morning, no matter how … Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? To lose weight specifically on the stomach, a lot of exercise and a balanced diet are necessary. The so-called “visceral fatty tissue” on the stomach reacts differently to changing eating habits than subcutaneous fat. Therefore, it is particularly helpful on the stomach if you consume fewer … How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Turbo Diet

What is a Turbo Diet? The Turbo Diet represents an absolutely radical diet, which is particularly suitable if you want to lose a few excess kilos very quickly, for example for a forthcoming vacation or a wedding. It concerns thereby a fortnightly Diät program, which must be converted for large success disciplined. The Turbo Diet … Turbo Diet

Military Diet

What is the Military Diet? The Military Diet is a US flash diet that was developed to get American soldiers fit quickly. The hard crash diet promises a weight loss of up to 4.5 kilos in one week. The diet allows only a few foods and in the first three days of the diet only … Military Diet