PH Value: Milk, Dairy Products and Eggs

Dairy products have a largely acidic effect in the body – with the exception of alkaline whey and neutral kefir. Parmesan and processed cheese, in particular, have outstandingly high values in the acidifying range, whereas whole milk and cow’s milk have an almost neutral effect. Egg yolk also has a fairly high acidic pH. In … PH Value: Milk, Dairy Products and Eggs

Cow’s Milk Allergy

Symptoms The possible symptoms of cow’s milk allergy include: Itching and a furry feeling in the mouth and throat, swelling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (including blood in the stool), abdominal pain Skin rash, often around the mouth, urticaria (hives), eczema, flushing. Whistling, wheezing breathing, cough. Runny nose, nasal itching, nasal congestion. Allergic conjunctivitis The symptoms may … Cow’s Milk Allergy

Carbohydrates: Role in Diet

Products Carbohydrates (“sugars”) are found in many natural and processed foods, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and dietary supplements. For example, foods containing carbohydrates include pasta, cereals, flour, dough, bread, legumes, potatoes, corn, honey, sweets, fruits, sweet beverages, and dairy products. Structure Carbohydrates are natural products and biomolecules that are usually composed of only carbon (C), hydrogen … Carbohydrates: Role in Diet

This prolongs the duration of the diarrhea | Duration of diarrhea

This prolongs the duration of the diarrhea A diarrhea illness can be prolonged by the wrong diet. One should stick to a light diet for the time being and only gradually start eating other foods again. There are some drugs that are supposed to work against diarrhoea. However, these are not given routinely as they … This prolongs the duration of the diarrhea | Duration of diarrhea

After how long do I have to see a doctor? | Duration of diarrhea

After how long do I have to see a doctor? There is no general answer to this question. Various factors, such as other secondary diseases or the age of the patient, play an important role. In healthy adults, a symptomatic therapy can first be carried out at home. Infants or older patients should see their … After how long do I have to see a doctor? | Duration of diarrhea

Lactose Intolerance Causes

Symptoms Approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion of foods containing lactose, the following digestive symptoms occur. The symptoms occur only after a certain amount is ingested (e.g., 12-18 g of lactose), are dose-dependent, and vary greatly among individuals: Lower abdominal pain and cramps. Bloated abdomen, flatulence, discharge of gases. Diarrhea, especially with high … Lactose Intolerance Causes

Food Intolerance

Symptoms After eating the triggering food, digestive disturbances usually develop within hours. These include: Flatulence, bloating Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps Diarrhea Stomach burns Depending on the trigger, pseudoallergic reactions such as a hives, rhinitis and respiratory disorders may also occur. According to the literature, up to 20% of the population is affected. The disorders typically … Food Intolerance


Products Lactobacilli are commercially available in the form of capsules, powders, liquids, vaginal tablets and creams, among others. They are pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, medical devices and cosmetics. Foods such as yogurts and other dairy products also contain lactobacilli. Structure and properties Lactobacilli are Gram-positive, usually rod-shaped, non-spore-forming, and facultatively anaerobic bacteria that belong to the … Lactobacilli


What is lactose? Lactose is the so-called milk sugar and is found in the milk of mammals. The proportion of milk sugar in milk can vary between 2% and 7%. Lactose is a so-called dual sugar, which consists of two different types of sugar. As a sugar, lactose belongs to the group of carbohydrates and … Lactose

Lactose allergy | Lactose

Lactose allergy An allergy to lactose should not be confused with lactose intolerance, even though these terms are often used colloquially. Lactose intolerance is a deficiency of the lactose-cleaving enzyme lactase, which does not cause an allergic reaction. If there is an allergy to lactose, this is accompanied by an allergic reaction. This means that … Lactose allergy | Lactose