Grief Starts Before Death

Chris Paul, social psychologist and director of the TrauerInstitut Deutschland, describes four tasks of mourning: grasping the reality of death and loss @ living through the diversity of feelings to perceive and shape changes in the environment @ assigning a new place to the dead person As a loved one, you must somehow manage these … Grief Starts Before Death

Living Will: Legal Situation

Since September 01, 2009, the German Civil Code (BGB) has legally regulated the living will. It is defined as a written declaration that permits or prohibits specific medical treatments or interventions if the author can no longer express himself independently. What does a living will look like? There is no prefabricated form for a living … Living Will: Legal Situation

Living Will: Euthanasia

Euthanasia is a topic that not only heats up the minds, but also around which many myths entwine. Where the difference between indirect and passive euthanasia. What is the legal situation? You can find out here. Indirect euthanasia – what is it? What exactly is meant by passive or indirect euthanasia? In indirect euthanasia, targeted … Living Will: Euthanasia


Symptoms Symptoms of Covid-19 include (selection): Fever Cough (irritating cough or with sputum) Respiratory disorders, shortness of breath, shortness of breath. Feeling sick, fatigue Cold symptoms: runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat. Pain in the limbs, muscle and joint pain. Gastrointestinal complaints: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Nervous system: impairment of the sense of smell … COVID-19

Artificial coma | What are the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Artificial coma The term artificial coma is similar to the actual coma in many aspects. Here, too, there is a high degree of unconsciousness that cannot be neutralized by external stimuli. The big difference, however, lies in its cause, since an artificial coma is caused by a specific medication and is reversible after stopping this … Artificial coma | What are the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Concentration Disorder | What are the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Concentration Disorder In addition to the consequences described above, which can occur as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage, the development of a concentration disorder is probably one of the most common long-term consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage. However, it is not possible to make an exact statement as to whether or not such concentration … Concentration Disorder | What are the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Epileptic seizure | What are the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Epileptic seizure Another long-term consequence that is possible after a cerebral hemorrhage is the epileptic seizure. According to new studies, it is assumed that about 10% of those affected suffer from epileptic seizures in the course of their lives as a result of a cerebral haemorrhage. Most seizures occur within the first three days. If … Epileptic seizure | What are the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage?


Definition Paraphimosis is a condition in which the narrowed foreskin of the penis is pushed back and the glans of the penis is pinched or strangulated. This causes the glans and the retracted foreskin to swell painfully. Often the paraphimosis is caused by a phimosis, a constricted foreskin. A paraphimosis is a urological emergency and … Paraphimosis