Braxton Hicks contractions and descent contractions: the difference

Exercise contractions: When do they start and why do they occur? From around the 20th week of pregnancy, your uterus begins to prepare for the birth process. Around this time, you may notice a previously unknown feeling of tension or pulling in your belly for the first time. The most likely reason for this is … Braxton Hicks contractions and descent contractions: the difference

Yoga for pregnant women

Yoga offers not only exercises for strengthening, but also for relaxation. In any case, these are important points that can be helpful during pregnancy or birth. After all, the well-being of the pregnant woman should also be considered. During a pregnancy the female body goes through various processes in which the body changes. A supply … Yoga for pregnant women

Spinal column gymnastics

Our spine is there to keep the body upright and stable, but together with the vertebral joints it is also responsible for our back being flexible and mobile. The optimal shape of the spine is the double-S shape. In this form, the load transfer is best and the individual spinal column sections are evenly and … Spinal column gymnastics

Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? | Spinal column gymnastics

Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? In the program of the public health insurance it is common practice to support health-promoting preventive courses or to finance them completely. However, this only applies if the patient has regularly participated in the course and the course meets the general conditions of a recognized … Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? | Spinal column gymnastics

Water gymnastics

Water gymnastics (aquafitness) includes gymnastic exercises and is practiced in normal swimming pools and also in non-swimmer pools. It is suitable for children, adults and seniors. Even obese people can benefit from aqua gymnastics because fat burning is stimulated. The buoyancy of the water makes it possible to do endurance and strength exercises with less … Water gymnastics

Summary | Water gymnastics

Summary Water gymnastics makes it possible to reduce stress on joints, discs, bones and other structures involved. This is crucial, since certain diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc lesions, knee TEPs, hip TEPs, muscle atrophies and many more may not allow normal training on land. In addition, the water buoyancy and water … Summary | Water gymnastics

Exercises tennis elbow

If muscles and tendons are repeatedly misused and overstrained over a longer period of time, then small damages add up to a large irritation, which can eventually lead to tennis elbow. Patients with such a problem often describe problems when mowing the lawn, spring-cleaning, or after long periods of overhead screwing or working. Besides tennis … Exercises tennis elbow

Physiotherapy in general | Exercises tennis elbow

Physiotherapy in general In physiotherapy, cold and heat are often used as a therapeutic medium for tennis elbow. Both are usually used as preparation for the subsequent sitting and physiotherapy. However, cold and heat can also be used as independent therapy content. Dressings with pain-relieving or anti-inflammatory ointments can help as after-treatment for tennis elbow, … Physiotherapy in general | Exercises tennis elbow