Associated symptoms | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Associated symptoms From the causes of a cervical spine syndrome, there are also some accompanying symptoms that can accompany neck pain. Headaches are particularly frequent, but stress, sleep disturbances and radiations in the direction of the arms are also part of it. They can be caused by nerve irritations in the area of the cervical … Associated symptoms | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Treatment/Therapy | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Treatment/Therapy The treatment of cervical spine syndrome begins in the acute phase with pain-relieving measures. For this purpose, in addition to heat applications and massages, NSARs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac can be taken. In any case, it is important that the neck is not spared, because exercise is an essential part … Treatment/Therapy | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Duration/Prediction | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Duration/Prediction In the case of a non-chronic cervical spine syndrome (symptoms that do not last longer than three months), the prognosis is very favorable.In order to ensure a positive course of treatment, it is essential that the person concerned becomes active himself and regularly performs the exercises learned in physiotherapy. This process will take a … Duration/Prediction | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Esophagus: Structure, Function & Diseases

As a flexible muscular tube, the esophagus primarily serves to transport food from the pharynx to the stomach and is not itself involved in digestive processes. Heartburn and difficulty swallowing are signs of impairment of the esophagus that require medical evaluation. What is the esophagus? The most common complaints associated with the esophagus are heartburn … Esophagus: Structure, Function & Diseases

Treat Swallowing Problems

Difficulty swallowing is called “dysphagia” in technical language and can have numerous causes. Especially in winter, colds can trigger unpleasant swallowing problems with sore throat. However, the discomfort does not always have to be accompanied by pain, sometimes you just have the feeling of a lump in your throat. Thus, symptoms can be divided into … Treat Swallowing Problems

Homeopathy for Swallowing Difficulties

Homeopathy can also relieve swallowing difficulties – provided that one refrains from consuming coffee and chamomile during this time. Depending on the type of difficulty swallowing, different homeopathic remedies can help. Homeopathy for swallowing difficulties For difficulty swallowing with severe sore throat in the initial stage, Mercurius solubilis (with dosage D 12) and Echinacea (D … Homeopathy for Swallowing Difficulties

Diphtheria Causes and Treatment

Symptoms A few days after transmission of the diphtheria bacteria, the disease begins with sore throat and headache, nausea or vomiting, fever, and difficulty swallowing. Later, the typical symptoms appear: Hoarseness, up to voicelessness Whistling breathing (stridor) Barking cough Swelling of the lymph nodes and swelling of the soft tissues of the neck. Coatings of … Diphtheria Causes and Treatment

Sore Throat

Symptoms Sore throat manifests as an inflamed and irritated throat lining and pain when swallowing or at rest. The palatine tonsils may also be inflamed, swollen, and coated. Possible accompanying symptoms include mucus production, cough, hoarseness, fever, headache, runny nose, eye irritation, feeling sick, and fatigue. Causes The most common cause of sore throat is … Sore Throat

Swollen tonsils

Definition They are located on each side in the rear part of the oral cavity. According to their name they look almond-shaped. Since the oral cavity is in constant contact with the outside world and possible pathogens, the almonds form a kind of “first defense barrier”. In the case of a possible danger of the … Swollen tonsils