
Synonyms in the broadest sense English: autism Infantile autism Childhood autism Asperger’s autism Autistic people Autism in children Definition The term autism usually refers to a state of isolation or segregation from the outside world in both adults and children. The affected persons live in their own world of thoughts and imagination. Access from the … Autism

Diagnosis | Autism

Diagnosis The diagnosis is made only on the basis of the symptoms the child shows. There are no specific tests to detect autism because the children “live like in another world”. Therefore, tests that involve the children must be avoided. The reason for this is that autism is often only diagnosed in kindergarten, even though … Diagnosis | Autism

Prophylaxis | Autism

Prophylaxis There is no prevention against the clinical picture of autism. However, the sooner the disorder is recognised, the earlier the child can be given appropriate individual care. Help is available from social institutions. Forecast Autism is an incurable disease, but it does not progress during the course of life. In fact, it is said … Prophylaxis | Autism