Bach Flowers: Emergency drops

Emergency drops according to Dr Bach Of all Bach Flower Essences, this combination is the best known and most widely used for emergency drops. Of course, this flower mixture does not replace any medical treatment. In an emergency, it helps to prevent or quickly resolve the “energetic shock” that would result in physical damage. Emergency … Bach Flowers: Emergency drops

Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty

The child is a pessimist and always looks to the future with negative expectations. It is sceptical, doubting, slightly discouraged when something doesn’t work out right away. “I’ll never learn that” is often heard when children do not make the same good progress with newly acquired skills such as cycling, swimming, arithmetic and many other … Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty

Cerato /leadroot | Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty

Cerato /leadroot The child has too little confidence in its own opinion, it cannot decide. This decision-making weakness is already evident in small children when it comes to such mundane things as choosing between strawberry ice cream and vanilla ice cream or deciding between two games. They think back and forth, make the decision anxiously … Cerato /leadroot | Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty

Wild Oat /Wood Trespe | Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty

Wild Oat /Wood Trespe This blossom does not play a role in small children. However, as soon as decisions have to be made on which the further course of life depends, i.e. at the age of about 14 years, one can think about the use of Wild Oat. Exactly then, when the youngsters have to … Wild Oat /Wood Trespe | Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty

The emergency drops (Rescue Remedy) | Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty

The emergency drops (Rescue Remedy) The Bach emergency drops contain 5 flowers: Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clematis. This mixture is available in pharmacies as a ready-to-use concentrate and is also a component of the Bach Flower Set. The emergency drops are intended exclusively for acute emergencies, never to be taken … The emergency drops (Rescue Remedy) | Bach Flowers for children – in case of uncertainty