Butterfly reverse with the expander

The Butterfly reverse with an expander is suitable for training the rear part of the deltoid muscle. Since this exercise specifically demands the back muscles in addition to the shoulder muscles, it is also used in back training. Since shoulder muscle training is often performed incorrectly and with too high intensities, it is especially recommended … Butterfly reverse with the expander

Expander Training

Health and physical fitness are no longer a matter of course in our age, and the pursuit of them is not surprising. A balanced fitness and the healthy appearance associated with it are becoming more and more important for social recognition and success. More and more fitness studios and commercial sports providers are emerging that … Expander Training

Variations of the biceps curl with the expander | Biceps curl with the expander

Variations of the biceps curl with the expander Similar to biceps curl with weights, the expander training can be varied. In classic biceps curl, the palms of the hands are permanently upwards during contraction. To increase the load during the movement, the palms can face each other in the starting position and be rotated outwards … Variations of the biceps curl with the expander | Biceps curl with the expander