
Definition Ophthalmology is a special branch of medicine and within this field the ophthalmologist is active. Among ophthalmologists, there are other specialisations, so that there are special specialists for the most specific areas of the eye and optimal care of the patient is possible. The tasks of an ophthalmologist concern both general and specific areas. … Ophthalmologist

Symptoms of farsightedness

Symptoms of farsightedness Near-sightedness increases noticeably, especially in adulthood. Especially in young years, a slight farsightedness can still be compensated by accommodation (adjustment of the refractive power of the human eye), which is done automatically by a muscle in the eye (ciliary muscle). Do you suffer from blurred vision? At a young age, slight farsightedness … Symptoms of farsightedness

Long-sightedness in children

Synonyms: HyperopiaIf the eye is smaller than normal (axial hyperopia) or the refractive media (lens, cornea) have a flatter curvature (refractive hyperopia), near vision is blurred. Vision is usually better in the distance. Far-sightedness is therefore in most cases congenital and caused by the abnormal construction of the eye. The growth of the eyeball has … Long-sightedness in children