Eicosanoids: Function & Diseases

Eicosanoids are hormone-like hydrophobic substances that function as neurotransmitters or immune modulators. They are formed as part of lipid metabolism. Starting materials are omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. What are eicosanoids? The hormone-like eicosanoids play a major role as neurotransmitters or immune modulators. In some cases, they elicit opposite reactions. Basically, they are mediators between … Eicosanoids: Function & Diseases

Polysaccharides: Function & Diseases

Polysaccharides represent an almost unmanageably differentiated and large group of different carbohydrates consisting of a concatenation of more than 10 identical or even different monosaccharides glycosidically linked to each other. They are biopolymers that play a major role in human metabolism as energy stores, as structural elements in membranes, as components of proteins (proteoglycans), and … Polysaccharides: Function & Diseases

Sunflower Oil: Intolerance & Allergy

The versatile, tasteless sunflower oil probably knows everyone. It is suitable in the kitchen not only for sautéing, but for almost every type of preparation. This is what you should know about sunflower oil In refined sunflower oil, a temperature rise of up to 220 degrees is achieved through an extraction process, which gives the … Sunflower Oil: Intolerance & Allergy

Catabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The term catabolism covers all metabolic processes of the body in the course of which the complex and sometimes high-molecular proteins, carbohydrates (polysaccharides), and fats are broken down into their simpler building blocks, usually with the generation of energy. The individual building blocks are then available for the synthesis of new required substances or are … Catabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Cycling Keeps Fit and Is Easy on the Joints

In order for our body to remain efficient, it needs exercise. This includes that both the muscles and the cardiovascular system are regularly loaded – preferably through sports. In this respect, the bicycle is one of the healthiest pieces of sports equipment of all. Cycling stimulates the metabolism, challenges the heart and circulatory system and, … Cycling Keeps Fit and Is Easy on the Joints

Levothyroxine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Various hormonal diseases require hormonal adjustment or hormone replacement therapy. This also applies to thyroid disease. Thus, in the case of hypothyroidism, the administration of artificial thyroid hormones is necessary. Levothyroxine, for example, is used in this case. What is hypothyroidism? Levothyroxine is a thyroid hormone. More precisely, it is the T4 form of the … Levothyroxine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Fat metabolism

Definition Fat metabolism in general refers to the absorption, digestion and processing of fats. We absorb fats through food or build them up from precursors ourselves and use them, for example, to provide energy or to produce important messenger substances in the body. After carbohydrates, fats are the most important suppliers of energy for our … Fat metabolism

Fat metabolism disorder | Fat metabolism

Fat metabolism disorder Fat metabolism disorders are shifts in the values of blood lipids. These can be either increased or decreased. One must differentiate between altered values of lipids (triglycerides) and altered values of lipoproteins (transport form of fats in the blood). Accordingly, a shift in the lipid values can result in increased cholesterol and/or … Fat metabolism disorder | Fat metabolism

Gene Transfer: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Gene transfer refers to the artificial or natural transfer of foreign genetic material to a fertilized egg. More precisely, individual genes are transferred from a donor organism to a recipient organism. A distinction is made between horizontal and vertical gene transfer. Gene transfer can take place by transformation, conjugation or transfection. Technical methods are, for … Gene Transfer: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

L-Carnitine effect

Statistically speaking, the number of people suffering from obesity is increasing dramatically every year worldwide. In order to achieve a successful loss of body mass consisting of fat, all factors for successful fat burning must be taken into account. For the metabolism of fat in the body, the compound L-carnitine plays an outstanding role. L-carnitine … L-Carnitine effect