Fever in children

Healthy children have a body temperature between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius (°C). At values between 37.6 and 38.5°C, the temperature is elevated. Doctors then speak of fever in children from 38.5°C. From a temperature of 39°C, a child has a high fever. At temperatures above 41.5°C, it becomes life-threatening because the body’s own proteins … Fever in children

Fever: when does it start, treatment

Brief overview Description: Fever is when the body temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius. Other indications include dry and hot skin, shiny eyes, chills, loss of appetite, accelerated breathing rate, confusion, hallucinations. Treatment: Home remedies (e.g., drinking plenty of fluids, calf compresses, lukewarm bath), antipyretic medication, treatment of the underlying disease. Diagnosis: Consultation with a … Fever: when does it start, treatment

Chills: Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

Brief overview What is shivering? Muscle tremors associated with cold shivers. Occurs in episodes often in the context of febrile infections: Muscle shivering generates heat and thus increases the body temperature. This makes it easier to fight off pathogens. Causes: in chills with fever, e.g., cold, flu, pneumonia, scarlet fever, erysipelas, renal pelvic inflammation, blood … Chills: Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

Wound Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Wound pain is an important warning signal to alert to disorders and diseases that can be dangerous to the body. Therefore, injuries, whether from surgery or accidents, are always associated with pain. They may even persist beyond the actual healing. What is wound pain? Wound pain includes not only pain, from the injury itself, but … Wound Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Munchausen Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Munchausen syndrome is understood to be a mental disorder. In it, affected individuals invent diseases and ailments. What is Munchausen syndrome? The so-called Munchausen syndrome belongs to the artificial disorders. It is also known as luminary killer syndrome. A typical feature of the mental disorder is the deliberate invention of illnesses and physical ailments. These … Munchausen Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nickel Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nickel allergy is caused by contact of human skin or mucous membrane with nickel. Especially women suffer very often from this contact allergy, which is usually harmless and heals within a few days without complications. However, affected patients should permanently avoid contact with nickel-containing products to avoid causing the contact dermatitis typical of nickel allergy. … Nickel Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Antivenin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Antivenin is the name given to an immune system-boosting agent used for acute help against snakebites. The preparation is enriched with antibodies. In this way, the harmful ingredients of the venom in the organism can be neutralized or even eliminated. What is antivenin? Antivenin is the name given to an immune system-boosting agent used for … Antivenin: Effects, Uses & Risks