Descending Sets

Synonyms in the broadest sense Reduction sets, slimming sets, extended sets, bodybuilding, strength training often used incorrectly: super sets, supersets Definition The method of descending sets provokes a maximum utilization of the muscles by gradually reducing the training weight. Description This method is probably one of the hardest and most intensive methods in bodybuilding. The … Descending Sets

Reverse Crunch

Introduction The “Reverse Crunch” is a popular exercise to train the lower part of the straight abdominal muscles (M. rectus abdominis). However, it is not recommended to use this exercise in isolation during training, but as a supplement to the Abdominal Crunch. The muscle training of the lower abdominal muscles is based on a well … Reverse Crunch

Weight training

Muscle building is a form of strength training with the aim of maximally increasing the muscle cross section. This form of muscle loading is mainly used in bodybuilding and fitness training. Muscle building is of course only one component of weight training. Muscle building Muscle building Muscle building and anabolic steroids Muscle building and nutrition … Weight training

Neck Pressing

Neck pressing is mainly used in various throwing and pushing disciplines in athletics and bodybuilding. However, neck pressing does not train the trapezoidal muscle that makes up the “bull’s neck” in weight training. By stretching the arms over the head, the shoulder muscles (M. deltoideos) and the arm extensor/triceps (M. triceps brachii) work. If you … Neck Pressing


Introduction The most common form of back pain is in the area of the lumbar spine. Lack of exercise, incorrect posture, sedentary work and incorrect loads in sports lead to complaints in the lumbar spine area. Since these muscles are hardly used in everyday movements, they are underdeveloped in most cases. One-sided strains in sports … Hyperextension

EMS Training

General information EMS is the abbreviation for electromyostimulation, where “myo” stands for the muscle. It is therefore an electrical stimulation of a muscle by means of current pulses. This method is currently very popular in German fitness studios. The goal of EMS training is to burn fat and build muscle. EMS training can be done … EMS Training