Diagnosis | Cerebellar infarction

Diagnosis The first priority in diagnostics is the physical and neurological examination to identify the infarction itself. The neurological deficits can be of various kinds, but in the case of a cerebellar infarction they concentrate on the sense of balance, as well as the coordination and execution of movement sequences. If a cerebellar infarction is … Diagnosis | Cerebellar infarction

Flatulence after the consumption of beer

General Any alcoholic beverage can cause flatulence, with beer in particular being blamed for the annoying symptoms. Flatulence after drinking beer is a problem that affects relatively many people. Basically, everyone has more or less severe symptoms of this kind after drinking beer. This depends mainly on the individual composition of the bacteria in the … Flatulence after the consumption of beer

Diagnosis | Flatulence after the consumption of beer

Diagnosis The diagnosis of flatulence, which occurs after the consumption of beer, is largely anamnestic. This means that the attending physician obtains as much information as possible in order to get an idea of the clinical picture described. Here it is important to weigh up whether a serious illness is present or whether it is … Diagnosis | Flatulence after the consumption of beer


Latin name: Herniaria Glabra Plant description: Inconspicuous plant that lies close to the ground. Bald stems with small, lancet-like leaves. Small, greenish and ball-shaped flowers. Flowering time: June to September Origin: Spread throughout Central Europe. But hardly noticed because of its inconspicuousness. Medicinally used plant parts The flowering herb (without roots), gently dried in the … Crackweed

Asterixis: Causes, Treatment & Help

Asterixis is the symptom of metabolic brain damage. For example, after liver or kidney damage, the brain can also be damaged. Asterixis patients suffer from gross tremor of the hands due to such damage. What is asterixis? Involuntary tremor is also called tremor by medical science. The tremors are a result of rhythmically repeated contractions … Asterixis: Causes, Treatment & Help

Authoritative education

Definition Authoritative education is a style of education that represents a kind of golden mean between authoritarian and permissive education. Authoritarian education is characterized by a clear hierarchy in which the parents are in charge and work with the reward and punishment system. Parents who educate their children permissively tend to behave in a reserved, … Authoritative education

What are the consequences of an authoritative education? | Authoritative education

What are the consequences of an authoritative education? Children who are brought up authoritatively often have it easier in adulthood than children who are brought up very strictly or children who have been neglected. The children learn many skills from which they can benefit throughout their lives. They grow up with love and trust, but … What are the consequences of an authoritative education? | Authoritative education

MERRF Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

MERRF syndrome is a maternally inherited mitochondriopathy. The disorder manifests predominantly as encephalopathy with muscle weakness and epilepsy. A causal therapy is not yet available. What is MERRF syndrome? Mitochondria are cell organelles that are known as the powerhouse of the cell. They are responsible for providing energy in the form of ATP. In mitochondriopathies, … MERRF Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment