Tympanic Membrane Injuries: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tympanic membrane injuries (also: tympanic membrane perforation, tympanic membrane rupture) include ruptures (tears) and perforations (holes) in the membrana tympani. Injuries to the tympanic membrane are usually due to inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) or direct or indirect force. What are tympanic membrane injuries? Sharp ear pain is the most typical characteristic of … Tympanic Membrane Injuries: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Healing of a torn ligament

Introduction A ligament (Latin: ligamentum) is a structure that connects bones together. Ligaments often connect bones at joints and serve here mainly to stabilize the joint. They also limit the extent of movement in its physiological function. The ligaments, which consist of connective tissue, are only stretchable to a very limited extent and can be … Healing of a torn ligament

Theophylline: Effects, Uses & Risks

Theophylline is one of the most important active substances for the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is used especially in the treatment of bronchial asthma. What is theophylline? Theophylline is one of the most important agents used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is particularly used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Theophylline, a … Theophylline: Effects, Uses & Risks

KGB Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

KGB syndrome , also known as Hermann-Pallister syndrome, is a very rare inherited disorder that affects all body systems. Characteristics of the genetic disorder include unusual facial features, skeletal abnormalities, and delayed development. What is KGB syndrome? The name KGB syndrome comes from the initial letters of the family names of the first patients with … KGB Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Upper arm pain – What do I have?

Definition The term “upper arm pain” (pain in the upper arm) summarizes all painful complaints that occur in the area between the shoulder and elbow joint. Pain that is directly observed in the elbow or shoulder joint is not normally considered to be typical upper arm pain. Nevertheless, joint diseases can lead to pain radiation … Upper arm pain – What do I have?

Achalasia therapy

Therapy of achalasia 1. drug therapy of achalasia: drugs are helpful especially at the beginning of an achalasia disease. The long-term results are rather disappointing. In the case of achalasia, drugs are used to reduce the tension (muscle tone) of the smooth muscles (the muscles of the oesophageal sphincter). The available preparations, such as calcium … Achalasia therapy

Diagnosis | Upper arm pain – What do I have?

Diagnosis The diagnosis of upper arm pain is performed in several steps. At the beginning, a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis) is conducted. During this conversation, the affected patient is asked to describe the symptoms he/she has experienced as precisely as possible. In this context, the exact localization, possible pain radiations and the intensity of the … Diagnosis | Upper arm pain – What do I have?