Values of astigmatism

If the cornea is unphysiologically curved in its meridians, image distortion occurs. Regular astigmatism is a refractive error defined by such an altered corneal curvature. The normal-sighted eye has a cornea that is not spherically curved, but has precisely defined curvatures in the vertical and horizontal directions. These curvatures are essential to be able to … Values of astigmatism

Hirschsprungs Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hirschsprung disease is also called congenital megacolon, Hirschsprung disease, or aganglionotic megacolon. It is a disease of the large intestine. It is named after its discoverer, Harald Hirschsprung, who first described the disease in 1886. What is Hirschsprung disease? Hirschsprung’s disease is classified in the group of aganglionoses. Aganglionosis describes a congenital disease in which … Hirschsprungs Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cervical Median Cardiac Nerve: Structure, Function & Diseases

The strongest cardiac nerve is the cardiac cervical median nerve. Its origin is in the middle cervical ganglion, and it is involved in the control of cardiac function. Drugs and medications that affect the sympathetic nervous system (sympathomimetics and sympatholytics) can affect cardiac function via the cervical cardiac nerve and the other cardiac nerves. What … Cervical Median Cardiac Nerve: Structure, Function & Diseases

Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Definition Food Allergy A food allergy is an allergic reaction caused by parts of certain foods. Allergic reactions are exaggerated reactions of the immune system to actually harmless components of our environment. Food allergies should not be confused with frequent intolerances, e.g. to lactose (lactose intolerance), which are based on the fact that the body … Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Allergens | Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Allergens Basically almost all foods can cause allergies. There are only a few exceptions for which no allergies have been described so far (e.g. rice). Food allergies are particularly frequent against: It is noticeable that food allergens are mainly contained in high-fat food, such as nuts or eggs. There are already theories and studies that … Allergens | Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Food allergy in the baby | Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Food allergy in the baby Babies are particularly prone to allergic reactions to milk, nuts, meat, fish and eggs. Soy allergies have also been on the rise in recent years in infants and toddlers.It is currently suspected that the pH value of the stomach plays a role in the development of allergies. Normally the pH-value … Food allergy in the baby | Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Classification of allergies | Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Classification of allergies Allergies in general are divided into 4 types of allergies. They differ in the way the allergy develops at the molecular level. Externally they differ in the duration between allergen contact and the first occurrence of symptoms. Type I is the allergy of the immediate type. The symptoms appear after seconds to … Classification of allergies | Food allergy – symptoms, allergens and therapy

Bach Flower Therapy

Dr. Edward Bach, doctor and founder of Bach Flower Therapy, lived and worked in England between 1886 and 1936. He practised at a time when most of his patients were very poor. Throughout his entire career, he endeavoured to develop the Bach Flower Therapy as a method of treatment that was also available to the … Bach Flower Therapy

Abscess under the tongue

Definiton An abscess under the tongue is an inflammation of the mouth, which is usually caused by bacteria. A small wound is enough for the germs to penetrate the mucous membrane and cause a purulent inflammation. In the case of an abscess under the tongue, a distinction is made between the base of the tongue … Abscess under the tongue