Cassava: Intolerance & Allergy

Cassava, also available under the name yuca, is a staple food in many tropical countries. In Europe, too, the tasty root has made a name for itself among gourmets and amateur cooks. However, the plant, which is very undemanding in cultivation, has a short shelf life after harvest and must be processed quickly. What you … Cassava: Intolerance & Allergy

Ofloxacin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Ofloxacin is the name for a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It belongs to the group of active substances known as fluoroquinolones. What is ofloxacin? Ofloxacin is an antibiotic with a bactericidal effect. It is used to treat bacterial infections such as respiratory or urinary tract infections. Ofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. The quinolones are also … Ofloxacin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Bordetella Parapertussis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

The germ Bordetella parapertussis belongs to the genus Bordetella and is difficult to distinguish from the related germ Bordetella pertussis. What is Bordetella parapertussis? The bacterium Bordetella parapertussis owes its name to its genetic and biochemical similarity to the related germ Bordetella pertussis. The generic name Bordetella was used in memory of the microbiologist Jules … Bordetella Parapertussis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases


Synonyms in a broader sense Blood cells, blood plasma, blood cells, erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leukocytes Introduction The function of the blood is primarily as a transport mechanism. This includes nutrients that are transported from the stomach via the liver to the respective target organ, e.g. muscles. Furthermore, metabolic products such as urea as the end product … Blood

Blood plasma | Blood

Blood plasma As already mentioned, blood plasma makes up about 55% of the total blood volume. The blood plasma is blood without cells. Blood plasma consists of approximately 90% water and 10% solid components such as protein, electrolytes and carbohydrates. Plasma proteins One litre of blood contains approx. 60 – 80 g of protein. Due … Blood plasma | Blood

Hemostasis | Blood

Hemostasis If body tissue is opened in the event of an injury, the body’s own hemostasis occurs. On the one hand, the vessel wall in front of and behind the point of exit is constricted in order to lower the blood pressure locally. On the other hand, thrombocytes attach themselves to the connective tissue fibres … Hemostasis | Blood