Tendinitis in the leg

Definition An inflammation of the tendon is also called tendinitis in the technical terminology. The tendons, which are exposed to high mechanical stress, are protected by so-called tendon sheaths. These can be imagined like a sheath in which the tendons glide back and forth. There they serve as protection against friction. If the tendons are … Tendinitis in the leg

Duration of tendon inflammation in the leg | Tendinitis in the leg

Duration of tendon inflammation in the leg If an inflammation of a tendon in the leg occurs acutely for the first time, the symptoms should disappear after a few days if the patient is sufficiently immobilized. If this is not the case, a doctor should be consulted. After the pain has subsided, however, the triggering … Duration of tendon inflammation in the leg | Tendinitis in the leg

Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon | Tendinitis in the leg

Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon The M. tibialis posterior is a muscle on the anterior lower leg. It runs from the tibia to the foot and is responsible for various movements in the ankle. Overloading during sports can lead to inflammation in the tendon area (tendinitis). Signs of inflammation are pain when moving the … Inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon | Tendinitis in the leg

Genital herpes

General information Herpes genitalis is mostly caused by the virus subgroup HSV 2, which belongs to the herpes simplex viruses. In 50-70% of cases, this virus group is the triggering virus group. Herpes genitalis is one of the venereal diseases. Nowadays this disease is one of the most frequently transmitted venereal diseases in Germany. Transmission … Genital herpes

Therapy | Genital herpes

Therapy While with other herpes infections it is usually possible to wait, especially if the course of the infection is harmless, once a genital herpes infection has been diagnosed, therapy should be started immediately to prevent serious consequences and to contain further spread as quickly as possible. The drug Aciclovir is used in the therapy. … Therapy | Genital herpes

Herpes genitalis in pregnancy | Genital herpes

Herpes genitalis in pregnancy Fortunately, relatively few women suffer from genital herpes in Germany.Nevertheless, such an infection during pregnancy can sometimes have dramatic consequences for the child. Unfortunately, there is often great uncertainty and helplessness among affected women: At what point is there danger for the newborn child? How can the child be protected? Does … Herpes genitalis in pregnancy | Genital herpes

Transmission of genital herpes | Genital herpes

Transmission of genital herpes Herpes genitalis is primarily transmitted sexually through sexual intercourse and is therefore one of the so-called “Sexual Transmitted Diseases”, STD for short. The viruses enter the human body through tiny, often invisible injuries in the genital and anal mucous membranes and cause the infection there. Both symptomatic carriers, i.e. those affected … Transmission of genital herpes | Genital herpes

Achalasia surgery

Achalasia (“non-ass flaccidity”) is a functional disorder of the oesophagus, which manifests itself through difficulty swallowing, choking, burping and/or chest pain and is very restrictive for those affected in their daily lives. If conservative treatment approaches are not able to improve the achalasia sufficiently, surgery can be resorted to. In this procedure, the muscles of … Achalasia surgery