Forms of the child’s hydrocephalus | Baby’s hydrocephalus

Forms of the child’s hydrocephalus A hydrocephalus is caused by a mismatch between cerebrospinal fluid formation and CSF outflow. Consequently, either the production can be increased or the outflow can be reduced, so that ultimately the amount of cerebrospinal fluid increases inadequately and more space is needed in the ventricle system. This lack of space … Forms of the child’s hydrocephalus | Baby’s hydrocephalus

Classification of the hydrocephalus in babies according to localization | Baby’s hydrocephalus

Classification of the hydrocephalus in babies according to localization Furthermore, there is a classification of the clinical picture “hydrocephalus” according to localization. One distinguishes here between three forms: Hydrocepahlus internus = dilatation of the ventricles or internal cerebrospinal fluid Hydrocepahlus externus = expansion of the external cerebrospinal fluid spaces Hydrocephalus communicans = expansion of the … Classification of the hydrocephalus in babies according to localization | Baby’s hydrocephalus

Is there a therapy for hydrocephalus in babies? | Baby’s hydrocephalus

Is there a therapy for hydrocephalus in babies? The aim of the treatment of hydrocephalus in babies is to reduce the amount of cerebral fluid and thus to avoid excessive pressure on the child’s brain. The latter can lead to long-term brain damage if not treated or treated too late.Therefore, drug therapy unfortunately only helps … Is there a therapy for hydrocephalus in babies? | Baby’s hydrocephalus

Life expectancy for hydrocephalus in babies | Baby’s hydrocephalus

Life expectancy for hydrocephalus in babies A general statement about the life expectancy of a baby with hydrocephalus cannot be made. The prognosis and the course of the disease depends very much on the cause, the severity and the time of diagnosis of hydrocephalus. It is crucial that the therapy is adequate and timely. In … Life expectancy for hydrocephalus in babies | Baby’s hydrocephalus

How do viruses differ in their structure? | The structure of viruses

How do viruses differ in their structure? The many viruses can be divided into different groups according to their structure. An important criterion for classification is the type of nucleic acid. Some viruses encode their genetic genome using DNA, others use RNA for this purpose. With regard to the genome, further classification criteria can be … How do viruses differ in their structure? | The structure of viruses

The structure of viruses

Introduction Viruses are tiny parasites that are potential pathogens. They are widespread everywhere and can be detected in every cell. Like other parasitic organisms, they need a foreign organism to multiply. Plants, animals or even humans can be used for this. If viruses attack a weak immune system or weak individuals, such as children, infection … The structure of viruses

Bird flu

Synonyms Avian influenza; avian influenza Microbiological: H5N1, H7N2, H7N9Avian influenza is an infectious disease caused by certain forms of the influenza virus. In a broader sense, bird flu is also known as “avian influenza” or “avian influenza”. Normally, avian flu mainly affects poultry (especially chickens, turkeys and ducks), but extensive mutations of the causative viruses … Bird flu

Symptoms | Bird flu

Symptoms The typical symptoms of avian influenza show themselves in different ways in each of the affected patients, depending on the immune situation. Since the incubation period of avian flu (the time between infection and outbreak of the disease) is approximately 14 days, the first symptoms can be expected after this period. The symptoms of … Symptoms | Bird flu

Therapy | Bird flu

Therapy Even the suspicion of an avian flu infection is enough to justify isolating the affected patient. Only in this way can the spread and transmission of the viral pathogen to other people be prevented. The actual treatment of avian flu is quite difficult, because most of the known drugs that are directly directed against … Therapy | Bird flu