Pain after apicoectomy

Introduction A sudden appearance of pain in a tooth, as well as problems with chewing and an unpleasant feeling are in most cases signs of root inflammation. As a result, a root canal treatment by a dentist will be necessary. During this treatment, the inflamed tissue is removed from the tooth and rinsed with various … Pain after apicoectomy

How long does the swelling last? | Pain after apicoectomy

How long does the swelling last? After the surgical procedure, swelling forms, which can be worrying for the patient. The swelling is the body’s immune response, since the resection also involved tissue damage to reach the root tip. This swelling can persist. During the healing phase, in which the wound closure progresses, the swelling can … How long does the swelling last? | Pain after apicoectomy

What is a developmental anomaly?

Definition Children develop individually and at different speeds. A developmental disorder can occur in different areas of child development and can be pronounced to varying degrees. The impairments include speech and language disorders, abnormalities in school areas such as Causes Children can have various developmental abnormalities, which can be harmless or serious. Harmless developmental delays … What is a developmental anomaly?

Intellectual development capacity | What is a developmental anomaly?

Intellectual development capacity Depending on the age of the child, a mental developmental disorder can be more or less clearly recognizable. Symptoms of a mental developmental disorder are reduced mental capacity, problems in understanding what is being said or in speaking itself, and slowed thinking. In addition, there are behavioural disorders at the slightest changes … Intellectual development capacity | What is a developmental anomaly?

Overactive thyroid therapy

Synonyms in the broadest sense hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease, immunogenic hyperthyroidism, iodine deficient goiter, goiter, hot nodules, autonomic nodules Drug therapy The thyrostatic (thyroid-suppressing) therapy causes the cessation of hormone overproduction in the thyroid gland. All patients with hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) are treated until normal thyroid function is achieved (= euthyroidism). Are you interested in drug therapy … Overactive thyroid therapy

Radioiodine therapy with 131 Iodine | Overactive thyroid therapy

Radioiodine therapy with 131 Iodine In this form of therapy, the patient receives radioactive iodine (131Iodine), which is stored in the thyroid gland but cannot be used to produce thyroid hormones: It destroys the enlarged thyroid cells due to the radioactive radiation. Thus, hormone-producing cells are destroyed and the excessive hormone production is reduced. This … Radioiodine therapy with 131 Iodine | Overactive thyroid therapy

Therapy of an eating disorder

Synonyms in a broader sense Anorexia nervosa Anorexia Anorexia Bulimia nervosa Bulimia Binge Eating Psychogenic Hyperphagia Anorexia Therapy The therapeutic options for eating disorders are manifold. In the following some general therapeutic approaches will be shown, which apply to Anorexia, Bulimia as well as Binge Eating Disorders. Requirements As the most important points 3 questions … Therapy of an eating disorder