Elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN) with TEN (Titanic elastic nail) or STEN

Introduction Elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN, TEN, Prévot nailing) is a possibility of surgical treatment of various bone fractures. This method is particularly suitable for the treatment of childhood fractures of the long tubular bones, such as the upper arm, forearm, thigh and lower leg. The technique involves inserting flexible titanium (TEN) or steel (STEN) … Elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN) with TEN (Titanic elastic nail) or STEN

Distinction of sprain and fracture | Fracture of the arm of a child

Distinction of sprain and fracture A sprain, also known as distortion, is a condition in which the affected joint is overstressed by external forces. The sprain is usually accompanied by pain and a slight swelling. There are no findings in the X-ray image. The sprain can be treated by local cold application (cool pack) or … Distinction of sprain and fracture | Fracture of the arm of a child

Forecast | Fracture of the arm of a child

Forecast The prognosis for childhood fractures is generally considered good, as childhood injuries show a good tendency to heal themselves or to undergo spontaneous correction. However, this depends, among other things, on the stage of development and the location, type and extent of the fracture. Special attention should be paid to fractures affecting the joints … Forecast | Fracture of the arm of a child