Ferro sanol®

The active ingredient of Ferro sanol® is iron glycine sulphate, which is a good supplier of the mineral iron. With a daily supply of pure iron of at least 15mg the body is sufficiently supplied. If this is substituted by iron glycine sulphate, a higher quantity must be taken to ensure an adequate supply of … Ferro sanol®

Contraindications | Ferro sanol®

Contraindications Ferro sanol® should not be used if the following diseases are known to occur in the patient: Iron Storage Diseases Disruptions to recycling Gastrointestinal Ulcers Side effects Possible side effects that have so far occurred with the administration of Ferro sanol® are Gastrointestinal complaints Constipation (constipation) and Harmless stool discoloration (usually darker than usual). … Contraindications | Ferro sanol®

Diagnosis | Diarrhea and psyche

Diagnosis The diagnosis of the psychological cause of the digestive problems is a so-called “exclusion diagnosis”. This means that if diarrhea occurs repeatedly, physical and organic diseases must be searched for first. As a rule, in the case of diarrhea with corresponding accompanying symptoms, blood tests and stool tests are first carried out. Furthermore, a … Diagnosis | Diarrhea and psyche

Duration/Prediction | Diarrhea and psyche

Duration/Prediction The duration and prognosis of the complaints can vary greatly and depend on the individual psychological stress reaction. The diarrhea can be only a temporary symptom in the acute phase of the stress reaction or it can remain chronic. The psychological stress may subside of its own accord or require psychotherapy. In these cases, … Duration/Prediction | Diarrhea and psyche

Kitchen clamp

Pulsatilla vulgaris Cowbell, Easterflower, Sleeping Flower The pasque flower is a spring flowering plant. From a vertical root grow up to 25 cm high flower stems, silky hairy. In the end, the pasque flower has large, blue and bell-shaped flowers with yellow stamens. Flowering time: March to May. Occurrence: On sunny, dry locations, the pasque … Kitchen clamp

Gastrointestinal problems

Gastrointestinal problems are complaints that can be caused by a wide variety of factors and can manifest themselves in different ways. Symptoms Gastrointestinal problems cause a large number of different symptoms. They can be related to the stomach or to the intestines. Depending on the cause, both are equally affected. Furthermore, they can appear suddenly … Gastrointestinal problems

Flax weed

Linaria vulgaris Flaxweed, female flaxThe flaxweed grows up to 60 cm high, bears narrow leaves and at the end a cluster of densely packed, yellow, spurred flowers. Flowering time: July to September Occurrence: In our country, toadflax is common on stony fields and roadsides. The rootless toadflax is thus used for the production of medicines. … Flax weed