Glioblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Brief overview Prognosis: Glioblastoma is not curable. The prognosis depends, for example, on the health of the patient and the stage of the tumor. Survival time varies from a few months to several years. Symptoms: Headaches especially at night and in the morning, nausea and vomiting, speech disorders or epileptic seizures, coma Diagnosis: Physical, neurological … Glioblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Brain Tumors: Types, Causes, Treatment

There are many different brain tumors, but they have one thing in common: There is limited space available in our bony skull, and tumors take up space that healthy brain tissue lacks. This situation is not without problems and can lead to serious, permanent damage. Forms: What types of brain tumors are there? Brain tumors … Brain Tumors: Types, Causes, Treatment

Brain Tumor

General information As in other organs of the body, benign or malignant tumors can develop in the brain. Every year, about 8,000 people in Germany develop a primary brain tumor. These are tumors that originate directly from the brain. In addition, there is a large number of brain metastases, so-called secondary brain tumors. Some brain … Brain Tumor

Cell specific tumors | Brain Tumor

Cell specific tumors Glioblastomas are tumors that originate from certain glial cells, the so-called astrocytes, and have the most severe “malignancy”. They are the most common malignant tumors of the nervous system and are associated with a very poor prognosis. They usually occur between the ages of 60 and 70 years. Moreover, men are affected … Cell specific tumors | Brain Tumor

Causes and risk factors | Brain Tumor

Causes and risk factors The exact causes for the development of brain tumors are still largely unknown today. Apparently there are several factors that could be involved in the development of brain tumors: Further possible causes such as environmental toxins, eating habits, mental stress, stress and electromagnetic waves, which are produced during cell phone calls, … Causes and risk factors | Brain Tumor

Therapy | Brain Tumor

Therapy The therapy depends on the exact location of the brain tumor and the type of growth. Therefore, the result of the brain biopsy (sampling) must be awaited. The surgical removal of a brain tumor is performed by neurosurgeons after an exact diagnosis has been made. It is important to know the exact location of … Therapy | Brain Tumor

Summary | Brain Tumor

Summary To ensure that brain tumors are detected and treated early enough, you should definitely consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms: If you have noticed the above symptoms in your child or another person, you should also consult a doctor as soon as possible. As soon as a brain tumor is diagnosed, … Summary | Brain Tumor

Life expectancy in glioblastoma

Introduction Glioblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults. They account for about half of all malignant tumors that develop from brain tissue. In addition to glioblastoma, there are other astrocytic tumors (so-called astrocytomas), but they differ in the middle age of the disease, localization, typical symptoms, therapy and life expectancy. Gliomas are … Life expectancy in glioblastoma

What is the life expectancy if the glioblastoma is inoperable? | Life expectancy in glioblastoma

What is the life expectancy if the glioblastoma is inoperable? If a glioblastoma is inoperable due to its localization, e.g. if the tumor is too deep or too close to vital areas, the prognosis is negatively affected compared to surgically removed glioblastomas. There are not yet many studies that can make clear scientific statements on … What is the life expectancy if the glioblastoma is inoperable? | Life expectancy in glioblastoma

Diagnosis | Vertigo – Is this a sign of a brain tumor?

Diagnosis If dizziness occurs frequently, it should be clarified by a doctor. There are various causes that can cause a dizzy spell. In order to clarify these, the medical history, i.e. the doctor-patient conversation, is of great importance. This usually leads to a suspicion of a probable possible cause. Accordingly, further examinations can then be … Diagnosis | Vertigo – Is this a sign of a brain tumor?


Synonym Glioblastoma multiforme Introduction Glioblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults. Due to its very poor prognosis, it is classified as the most severe grade according to the WHO classification of primary tumors of the central nervous system, i.e. a grade IV glioblastoma. Glioblastoma belongs to the group of astrocytic tumors (gliomas), … Glioblastoma