Astrocytoma: Types, treatment, prognosis

Brief overview Gradations: Among astrocytomas, there are benign and low-malignant (WHO grades 1 and 2) and malignant (WHO grade 3) to highly malignant forms (WHO grade 4). Benign forms often grow slowly or are well demarcated. Malignant variants usually grow rapidly and recur after treatment (recurrence). Treatment: Treatment options include surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. Causes: … Astrocytoma: Types, treatment, prognosis

Osteonectin: Function & Diseases

Osteonectin is a protein that plays a significant role in bone mineralization and in this way is involved in the strengthening of bones and teeth. Numerous scientific studies can be found under its synonymous name SPARC, which additionally indicate a link between the release of SPARC and the prognosis of various cancers. What is osteonectin? … Osteonectin: Function & Diseases

Brain Tumor

General information As in other organs of the body, benign or malignant tumors can develop in the brain. Every year, about 8,000 people in Germany develop a primary brain tumor. These are tumors that originate directly from the brain. In addition, there is a large number of brain metastases, so-called secondary brain tumors. Some brain … Brain Tumor

Cell specific tumors | Brain Tumor

Cell specific tumors Glioblastomas are tumors that originate from certain glial cells, the so-called astrocytes, and have the most severe “malignancy”. They are the most common malignant tumors of the nervous system and are associated with a very poor prognosis. They usually occur between the ages of 60 and 70 years. Moreover, men are affected … Cell specific tumors | Brain Tumor

Causes and risk factors | Brain Tumor

Causes and risk factors The exact causes for the development of brain tumors are still largely unknown today. Apparently there are several factors that could be involved in the development of brain tumors: Further possible causes such as environmental toxins, eating habits, mental stress, stress and electromagnetic waves, which are produced during cell phone calls, … Causes and risk factors | Brain Tumor

Therapy | Brain Tumor

Therapy The therapy depends on the exact location of the brain tumor and the type of growth. Therefore, the result of the brain biopsy (sampling) must be awaited. The surgical removal of a brain tumor is performed by neurosurgeons after an exact diagnosis has been made. It is important to know the exact location of … Therapy | Brain Tumor

Summary | Brain Tumor

Summary To ensure that brain tumors are detected and treated early enough, you should definitely consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms: If you have noticed the above symptoms in your child or another person, you should also consult a doctor as soon as possible. As soon as a brain tumor is diagnosed, … Summary | Brain Tumor

Glioma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Glioma represents a collective term for brain tumors or tumors of the central nervous system that develop from the glial cells (supporting cells of the nervous system). There are both benign and malignant forms of these tumors. Most commonly, gliomas develop in the brain, but the spinal cord can also be affected. What are gliomas? … Glioma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pilocytic Astrocytoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pilocytic astrocytoma is a usually benign brain tumor in children and adolescents. Affected areas may include the cerebrum, diencephalon, spinal cord, or optic nerve. After complete surgery, recurrences do not occur. What is pilocytic astrocytoma? Pilocytic astrocytoma is a benign brain tumor characterized by a slow proliferation of supporting cells of the central nervous system … Pilocytic Astrocytoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


A brain tumour that consists of astrocytes is called an astrocytoma. Astrocytes are the so-called supporting tissue cells of the brain, they are also called glial cells. From this name is derived the further term for tumours of this tissue in the brain and spinal cord: gliomas. Astrocytomas are therefore counted among the tumour group … Astrocytoma

Drug therapy | Astrocytoma

Drug therapy If an operation on the astrocytoma is planned, a cortisone preparation (dexamethasone) must be administered beforehand to reduce the swelling of the tumour. It is also possible to administer the cortisone during radiotherapy, as radiotherapy can initially increase the edema. Accompanying symptoms of an astrocytoma or glioblastoma can be epileptic seizures (convulsions). In … Drug therapy | Astrocytoma