Wound and healing ointment: Types, application, risks

Wound and healing ointment containing dexpanthenol Ointments containing the active ingredient dexpanthenol are frequent companions in the medicine cabinet. They promote the renewal of the skin layer and provide moisture. They are ideal for the so-called proliferative phase of wound healing, in which the wound slowly closes and crusts over. In addition to skin ointments … Wound and healing ointment: Types, application, risks

Metatarsal Fracture: Causes, Healing, Risks

Metatarsal fracture: Description Metatarsal fractures account for around a third of all foot fractures, and mostly affect athletes. The fifth metatarsal bone is most frequently fractured. Doctors refer to this type of metatarsal fracture as a Jones fracture – after the surgeon Sir Robert Jones (1857 to 1933). Several metatarsal bones are often affected by … Metatarsal Fracture: Causes, Healing, Risks

Exercises for at home | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Exercises for at home For exercises that can be done from home, light endurance exercises and gymnastic exercises are particularly suitable. During the execution of the exercise, it is important to keep the pulse within the permitted range to avoid overexertion. 1) Running on the spot Start running slowly on the spot. Make sure that … Exercises for at home | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Endurance training – what needs to be considered | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Endurance training – what needs to be considered During endurance training it is important to carry out an individual analysis of the performance of each patient, as the heart must not be overloaded. A first classification is made based on the NYHA classification, but above all the individual maximum achievable oxygen uptake (VO2peak) plays a … Endurance training – what needs to be considered | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Summary | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Summary All in all, the exercises for cardiac insufficiency represent an important component of the therapy and are essential for increasing the patient’s resilience. Through regular training, many patients can increase their endurance and thus perform more everyday tasks again. As a result, the patients feel better overall and experience an increase in their quality … Summary | Exercises with existing heart muscle weakness

Arnica Heals External Injuries

Already Kneipp praised the arnica in the highest tones. The ingredients of the yolk-yellow flowers of arnica help especially with external injuries. In the naturopathic literature one finds again and again text parts, in which pastor Sebastian Kneipp praised the various effects of the arnica. Even in his day, it was a Kneipp classic to … Arnica Heals External Injuries

Physiotherapy for a fractured fibula

The fibula fracture is a bone injury to the outer, lower leg forming tubular bone, usually caused by external force or extreme bending of the foot. The narrow fibula is much more frequently affected by fractures than the adjacent shin bone. The most common form of fibula fracture is located just above the ankle joint. … Physiotherapy for a fractured fibula

Physiotherapy for heart muscle weakness

Physiotherapy is an important component in the treatment of heart muscle weakness. Contrary to the general belief, it is beneficial to remain physically active despite the physical limitations and to train endurance and muscle strength. The goals set in physiotherapy and the individual therapy plan make it possible for patients with heart muscle weakness to … Physiotherapy for heart muscle weakness