Cardiac Conduction System: Function, Role & Diseases

The excitation conduction system of the heart consists of glycogen-rich specialized cardiac myocytes. They focus the contraction signals generated by the excitation generation system and transmit them to the muscles of the atria and ventricles in a specific rhythm, creating an orderly sequence of systole (beating phase of the ventricles) and diastole (relaxation phase of … Cardiac Conduction System: Function, Role & Diseases

Desflurane: Effects, Uses & Risks

Desflurane is an anesthetic that belongs to the flurane class of drugs. The inhalation anesthetic is widely used because of its very good hypnotic properties as well as its easy controllability. In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, desflurane is marketed by the American pharmaceutical company Baxter under the trade name Suprane. What is desflurane? Desflurane is … Desflurane: Effects, Uses & Risks

Heart Rhythm: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Cardiac rhythm is the complete repetitive sequence of heartbeats, including electrical excitation and heart muscle contractions. In people with healthy cardiovascular systems, the atria contract first, pumping blood into the ventricles, which then contract, pushing their blood into the great systemic circulation and into the pulmonary circulation. Normally, the complete heartbeat sequences move in a … Heart Rhythm: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Diagnostics of the electrocardiogram | Electrocardiogram

Diagnostics of the electrocardiogram Due to the precisely defined excitation formation and regression, deviations of the individual waves and intervals can be very specifically attributed to malfunctions. By observing the individual P-waves, their regularity and frequency, conclusions about the heart rhythm are possible.A normative sinus rhythm is present if the P-waves are regular and positive … Diagnostics of the electrocardiogram | Electrocardiogram

Summary | Electrocardiogram

Summary The ECG is a simple, fast and non-invasive way to diagnose serious and life-threatening diseases. Especially cardiac arrhythmias and heart attacks can be detected easily and quickly by means of the ECG and the suspicion of these diseases always leads to the derivation of an ECG. However, since the ECG can also quickly and … Summary | Electrocardiogram


Definition/Introduction The ECG (= electrocardiogram) records the sum of the electrical voltages of all myocardial fibers and thus serves to evaluate myocardial function. In addition to the heart rhythm and heart rate, malfunctions of individual sections of the heart muscle can be detected. Every heart action is preceded by an electrical excitation, which usually begins … Electrocardiogram

Create | Electrocardiogram

Create In order to obtain a meaningful ECG, a few things must be taken into account when applying the electrodes. For better conductivity they are often moistened with water or disinfectant. As a rule, the electrodes are first applied to both forearms and both ankles; then the six chest wall electrodes are positioned. Nowadays, adhesive … Create | Electrocardiogram

ECG derivations and position types | Electrocardiogram

ECG derivations and position types Derivations In our heart there is a permanent flow of differently charged particles (ions). This redistribution in turn generates different, electrical potentials. Through individual recordings, these “electrical heart currents” can be measured from different perspectives and levels. Combined, the recordings provide a comprehensive picture of the condition of the heart … ECG derivations and position types | Electrocardiogram

Evaluation/interpretation | Electrocardiogram

Evaluation/interpretation After recording the electrocardiogram, the doctor interprets the ECG, sometimes using a ruler standardized for this purpose. He analyzes the height of the individual deflections, the time intervals between them, as well as their duration and steepness.Thus, a correct evaluation of the ECG can make pathological processes and changes, such as infarcts or rhythm … Evaluation/interpretation | Electrocardiogram