
Introduction The thalamus is the largest structure of the diencephalon and is located once in each hemisphere. It is a bean-shaped structure connected to each other by a kind of bridge. In addition to the thalamus, other anatomical structures belong to the diencephalon such as the hypothalamus with pituitary gland, the epithalamus with the epiphysis … Thalamus

Eye test

Definition The visual acuity of the eyes is tested with an eye test. This indicates the resolving power of the eye, i.e. the ability of the retina to recognize two points as separate. The visual acuity defined as normal is at a visual acuity of 1.0 (100 percent). Adolescents often achieve even better visual acuity … Eye test

2. shihara color plates | Eye test

2. shihara color plates In 1917, this method with test images of different colored dots that form a complete picture was developed by the Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara. The test is based on the fact that “normal sighted people” can recognize different motifs by differentiating between red and green on the test images than people … 2. shihara color plates | Eye test


Definition A myelopathy is damage to the nerve cells of the spinal cord. The medical term is formed from the two ancient Greek words myelon – marrow and pathos – suffering. Depending on the cause of the damage to the spinal cord, a distinction is made between different forms. The location of the spinal cord … Myelopathy

Diagnosis | Myelopathy

Diagnosis Anamnesis already provides indications of a myelopathy. It is important to ask about specific symptoms such as paralysis, sensitivity disorders or pain in the spinal column. The clinical examination provides further certainty, as reflexes can be conspicuous, for example, and the gait pattern can be altered. To confirm the diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging is … Diagnosis | Myelopathy

History | Myelopathy

History The course of a myelopathy can be very different depending on the cause. A basic distinction is made between an acute and a progressive form. Acute means occurring quickly or suddenly, which is manifested by sudden development of the symptoms.The cause can be, for example, bleeding into the spinal canal after a trauma. Furthermore, … History | Myelopathy

Nerve damage

Synonyms nerve damage, nerve lesion, nerve injury Classification of nerve damage Nerve damage is classified according to the location of the injury, so one distinguishes an additional nerve damage can be distinguished according to the type of damage: Central nerve damage in the area of the central nervous system and Peripheral nerve damage located outside … Nerve damage

School of vision

Definition School of vision The term “school of vision” is used to describe facilities at clinics or in ophthalmological practices where orthoptists work together with ophthalmologists to treat eye movement disorders such as strabismus and eye tremor, impaired vision and all diseases affecting the eyes. Today, the term “school of vision” is rather outdated, since … School of vision

Migraine therapy

Therapy In the meantime, various groups of drugs are available for the treatment of migraine. The medication used is largely dependent on the severity of the migraine attack. There are three different degrees of severity: For nausea and vomiting, active substances such as metoclopramide (Paspertine) or domperidone (Motilium) are used. They lead to a reduction … Migraine therapy