Meteroism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Meteroism describes a condition that is often not immediately recognized and thus not treated. In addition, flatulence, a disease of the digestive system, is unpleasant for many sufferers. Abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness, even after a small intake of food, as well as a stomach that appears as bulging as a medicine ball, these … Meteroism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hepatitis C: Diagnosis

Because symptoms are often very uncharacteristic, the suspicion of hepatitis C infection is often made by chance during a blood test based on abnormal liver values. Various tests may be performed for further clarification: With the help of the so-called ELISA test, antibodies against the hepatitis C virus can be detected 3 months after infection. … Hepatitis C: Diagnosis

Hepatitis: Undetected Liver Disease

Our liver is a poor swallower. As a detoxification organ, it is the garbage dump par excellence in our body and takes care of many a sweep of fatty foods and alcohol. However, when so-called hepatitis viruses get in its way and start parasitizing on it, the liver falters. Many liver diseases go undiagnosed The … Hepatitis: Undetected Liver Disease

Hepatitis a Vaccination Recommended

To prevent infection with the hepatitis A virus, vaccination offers the best protection. It is generally well tolerated, so mild side effects rarely occur. If only one vaccination against hepatitis A is given, two doses are required. If, on the other hand, a combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B is used, three vaccinations are … Hepatitis a Vaccination Recommended

Hepatitis A: How to Avoid Infection

Infection with hepatitis A often occurs via contaminated drinking water or contaminated food. However, because the infection shows only nonspecific symptoms, it often goes unnoticed. The first signs may be general symptoms of illness such as loss of appetite, headache and an increase in body temperature. There is no specific treatment against the virus. However, … Hepatitis A: How to Avoid Infection

Hepatitis B: Vaccination Protects

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease transmitted through body fluids such as blood or semen. In Germany, the majority of infections occur through unprotected sexual intercourse. The disease is initially manifested by non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, fever and nausea. Later, jaundice may also occur. Acute hepatitis only needs to be treated if it takes … Hepatitis B: Vaccination Protects


Products Most statins are commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets, and some are also available as capsules. The first active ingredient to be marketed was lovastatin from Merck in the United States in 1987. In many countries, simvastatin (Zocor) and, shortly thereafter, pravastatin (Selipran) were the first agents to be approved in 1990. … Statins


Products Benzbromarone was withdrawn from the market in many countries in 2003 because of its hepatotoxicity. Desuric and other drugs are no longer available. It is still available in other countries. The withdrawal was not without controversy (Jansen, 2004). Structure and properties Benzobromarone (C17H12Br2O3, Mr = 424.1 g/mol) is a derivative of khellin. It exists … Benzbromarone