Treatment and therapy | The scrotum itches – What is behind it?

Treatment and therapy Depending on the cause, the treatment is very individually different. If a pathogen is the cause, a drug can be administered, regardless of whether it is a fungus, bacteria, mites, lice or similar. The symptoms should then get better in a short time. It is important to follow the instructions for taking … Treatment and therapy | The scrotum itches – What is behind it?

Trichomonas infection

What is a trichomonas infection? An infection with trichomonads, also called trichomoniasis, is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It is a parasitic infection especially in women. Although the infection is asymptomatic in most cases, typical symptoms can occur, such as an unpleasant green-yellowish discharge. The suspicion of an infection can already be … Trichomonas infection

Diagnosis | Trichomonas infection

Diagnosis The anamnesis plays the most important role in the diagnosis. If the patient speaks of frequently changing sexual partners or green-yellowish discharge after sexual intercourse abroad or with a foreign partner, the doctor can usually already suspect a sexually transmitted disease. Since trichomoniasis is a common STD and the discharge is typical, this infection … Diagnosis | Trichomonas infection

Long-term consequences | Trichomonas infection

Long-term consequences The prognosis of a trichomonas infection is usually very good. In most cases, antibiotic treatment is successful, but only in rare cases are the control examinations still positive, so that the therapy must be carried out over a longer period of time. However, there is no immunity after an infection, i.e. one can … Long-term consequences | Trichomonas infection

Duration of genital herpes

Introduction Herpes genitalis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The contagious disease is triggered by an infection with the herpes simplex virus type 2 or 1. In genital herpes, the vagina, penis or rectum are affected. After unspecific symptoms such as itching or burning, small blisters appear on the mucous membrane in … Duration of genital herpes

How long has genitlis herpes been contagious? | Duration of genital herpes

How long has genitlis herpes been contagious? Herpes simplex virus infection is quite widespread in the population. 90% of adults in Germany are infected with herpes simplex type 1 and 20% carry the herpes simplex virus type 2, which leads to herpes genitalis. In an acute infection with genital herpes, fluid-filled blisters and small ulcers … How long has genitlis herpes been contagious? | Duration of genital herpes


Synonyms Herpes simplex, HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus), lip herpes, genital herpes, dermatology, viral encephalitis, hepes simplex encephalitis Definition Herpes Herpes simplex is an infectious disease with preferential infestation of the skin and mucous membrane. This infection is caused by herpes viruses. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses: type 1 infects the skin and … Herpes

Herpes zoster | Herpes

Herpes zoster The so-called herpes zoster refers to a certain constellation of symptoms caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus (VZV). This virus belongs to the class of herpes viruses and triggers the well-known clinical picture of chickenpox when first infected (by droplet infection)! Rather, it nests itself in certain nerve structures (in … Herpes zoster | Herpes

Herpes simplex | Herpes

Herpes simplex A herpes simplex infection is an infection with a herpes simplex virus (HSV), which is characterized by its typical occurrence of local, blister-like phenomena on the skin and mucous membrane. However, there are two different herpes simplex viruses, which differ in the frequency of infection and the preferred site of infection (the site … Herpes simplex | Herpes

Herpes in the mouth | Herpes

Herpes in the mouth A herpes infection in the oral cavity – also called stomatitis aphtosa or stomatitis herpetica – is a characteristic inflammation of the oral mucosa and is caused by an initial infection or reactivation with the herpes simplex virus type 1. Children between the ages of 1-3 years are most frequently affected, … Herpes in the mouth | Herpes