Provider of coping prostheses | McMinn prosthesisCap prosthesis

Provider of coping prostheses Suppliers of coping prostheses include : We are not in any economic connection with any of the above mentioned manufacturers. None of the above-mentioned prostheses are recommendations. McMinn prosthesis, BHR (Birmingham Hip Replacement) – Smith & Nephew Company Durom – Company Zimmer ASR – Company DePuy Cormet 2000 – Company Corin … Provider of coping prostheses | McMinn prosthesisCap prosthesis

Hip dysplasia in adults

Definition Hip dysplasia refers to a congenital canopy disorder of the femoral head. As a result, the femoral head can no longer be held in a centered position. As a result, the femoral head can slip out of the acetabulum very easily, causing severe pain. Hip dysplasia is one of the most common causes of … Hip dysplasia in adults

Sports for hip dysplasia | Hip dysplasia in adults

Sports for hip dysplasia Although it appears that there is a greater risk of aggravating existing hip dysplasia through exercise, patients should even exercise to strengthen the muscle apparatus around the hip joint. Of course, care must be taken to ensure that only sports that are easy on the joints are performed. These joint-gentle sports … Sports for hip dysplasia | Hip dysplasia in adults

Femoral neck fracture causes, diagnosis and treatment

Synonyms in a broader sense Femoral neck fracture, femoral fracture, femoral fracture, Pauwels classification, Garden classification, femoral head necrosis, femoral head death, screwing, DHS = dynamic hip screw, hip prosthesis, osteoporosis Definition In a femoral neck fracture, the upper end of the femur breaks just below the head of the femur, usually due to a … Femoral neck fracture causes, diagnosis and treatment

Complications | Femoral neck fracture causes, diagnosis and treatment

Complications Complications in surgical therapy of femoral neck fracture: Vascular, tendon and nerve injuries Thrombosis/pulmonary embolism Infection Slipping of the fracture Implant loosening False joint formation (pseudarthrosis) Femoral head necrosis Aftercare Prognosis Postoperative early mobilization is an absolute must for the mostly older patients. For this reason, mobilization begins with standing at the bed already … Complications | Femoral neck fracture causes, diagnosis and treatment

Hip Arthrosis | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Hip Arthrosis Hip arthrosis is a disease of the hip joint caused by wear and tear of structures close to the joint. Secondary hip arthrosis can result in the subsequent installation of a hip prosthesis. An untreated femoral head necrosis can cause the development of secondary hip arthrosis. Further causes of hip arthrosis as a … Hip Arthrosis | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Leg length difference | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Leg length difference A functional leg length difference can occur as a late consequence after surgical treatment of a femoral neck fracture. As a result of impaired fracture healing or loosening of implants, the formation of an asymmetrical leg axis is possible. The diagnosis of a leg length difference is usually made clinically. Over time, … Leg length difference | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Hip Fever

Definition/Introduction Hip rhinitis is also known as coxitis fugax or transient synovitis and is an abacterial, i.e. germ-free inflammation of the hip joint. If one translates the term coxitis fugax, one already gets an accurate description of the clinical picture. Coxitis fugax means “volatile inflammation of the hip joint”. The hip rhinitis is the most … Hip Fever