Stomach Flu: Home Remedies That Help

When are gastrointestinal home remedies useful? One advantage of home remedies against gastrointestinal flu is that they are ready to use almost immediately: A doctor’s prescription is not necessary, and in most households the respective “ingredients” are already available. In principle, certain home remedies can reduce unpleasant symptoms such as the diarrhea typical of the … Stomach Flu: Home Remedies That Help

Sinusitis: Home Remedies

What home remedies help with sinusitis? In the case of sinusitis, the mucous membranes in the cavities in the skull bone have become inflamed. These are normally air-filled and directly connected to the nasal cavity. There are the following sinuses: Frontal sinus above the eyes (frontal sinus) maxillary sinus to the left and right of … Sinusitis: Home Remedies

Middle Ear Infection: Which Home Remedies Work?

What home remedies help with a middle ear infection? Various medications are used to treat otitis media. However, many people also use home remedies for otitis media. The best-known home remedies for middle ear infections include ear compresses with onions or camomile flowers, as these plants contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. Heat applications are just as popular … Middle Ear Infection: Which Home Remedies Work?

Hoarseness: causes and home remedies

Brief overview Description: Rough, husky voice with reduced volume. Hoarseness can be acute or chronic. Causes: e.g. vocal overload or misuse, colds, vocal cord nodules or paralysis, tumors on the vocal cords, nerve damage, pseudocroup, diphtheria, acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, COPD, tuberculosis, reflux disease, allergies, stress, medication Home remedies: Depending on the trigger, it can … Hoarseness: causes and home remedies