Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

High blood pressure is also called arterial hypertension and describes too high values of blood pressure of the vessels. According to the definition, high blood pressure is defined as being from values of 140/90 mmHg at rest. However, since high blood pressure often goes unnoticed, it is often only treated when the values are already … Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients The active ingredients of Hypercoran® drops include Effect The effect of Hypercoran® drops is based on a reduction in blood pressure. This includes the reduction of vascular spasms, which at the same time allows the vessels to dilate. Dosage For adults, the recommended dosage is to take … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication? | Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication? The length and frequency of taking homeopathic remedies depends primarily on the type of symptoms. It should always be done in consultation with the treating physician, since some blood pressure medications and the homeopathic remedies may interact. In general, the homeopathic remedies can be … How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication? | Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

Which home remedies can help me? There are many different home remedies that can help with high blood pressure. Bear’s garlic lowers blood pressure and has a positive effect on the circulatory system. The herb can be added to food in the form of bear’s garlic pesto, for example, and is also used against fever … Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for arterial hypertension

Sticta pulmonaria

Other term Lung Moss Lung lichen Application of Sticta pulmonaria for the following diseases in homeopathy Inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose Dry bronchitis Irritable and flu cough Whooping cough Measles Cough Inflammations of the trachea and larynx Use of Sticta pulmonaria for the following symptoms exacerbation: Dry nasal and bronchial mucosa with … Sticta pulmonaria

Ruta graveolens

Other term Diamond Application of Ruta graveolens for the following diseases in homeopathy Bleeding gums Tendency of the rectum to protrude from the anus in hemorrhoids Headaches Use of Ruta graveolens for the following symptoms Consequences of injuries such as bruising Strains and sprains Aggravation by wetness, cold, rest and at night. Works similar to … Ruta graveolens


Other termf Cyclamen Use of cyclamen for the following diseases in homeopathy Migraine with flickering before the eyes Irregular bleeding Rhinitis Congested veins Use of cyclamen for the following symptoms / complaints Cyclamen is very similar to Pulsatilla, except that it lacks thirstiness and improves in fresh air. – General weakness Irritability Improvement: Movement improves … Cyclamen


Other termf Hawthorn General note Application of Crataegus for the following diseases in homeopathy Old age heart High blood pressure Coronary artery stenosis Angina pectoris (constriction of the heart, heart pain, breathing difficulties) Arteriosclerosis (also on the vessels of the brain) Damage to the heart muscle due to infections (heart muscle inflammation/myocarditis) Use of Crataegus … Crataegus


Other termf Lily of the valley Use of convallaria for the following diseases in homeopathy Cardiac insufficiency with water retention in tissue Breast tightness and pain with narrowed coronary arteries Cardiac arrhythmia Heart problems after infections Use of Convallaria for the following symptoms/complaints Sleepless and restless at night, therefore exhausted and sleepy during the day … Convallaria


Other termf Coffee Use of Coffea for the following diseases in homeopathy Insomnia Migraine Nervous heart trouble Increased urination Use of Coffea for the following symptoms/complaints Mind and body vividly aroused Insomnia due to a wide awake flow of thoughts aggravation of the complaints due to noise, odours, cold and at night Palpitations, rapid pulse, … Coffea


Other term St. John’s wort General information Hypericum can be used externally as a wound treatment and has a healing effect on skin damaged by exposure to light. Application of Hypericum for the following diseases in homeopathy Skin diseases caused by light Depressions Conditions after concussion Nerve contusions Use of Hypericum for the following symptoms … Hypericum