Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Heat therapy is a generic term for various applications in physiotherapy and physical therapy as well as balneotherapy. In general, heat therapy comprises all therapy methods in which heat is applied to the skin in various forms for mostly 20-40 minutes in order to achieve a blood circulation-promoting, metabolism-stimulating and muscle-relaxing effect. Fields of application … Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur Fangocur is a company based in Gossendorf, Styria, Austria, which manufactures and sells various medical products made from the volcanic Gossendorf healing clay. These include mineral creams and masks, fango packs for home use and healing clay for oral administration. Fangocur Bentomed is dissolved as a powder in water and is said to have … Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Exercises tennis elbow

If muscles and tendons are repeatedly misused and overstrained over a longer period of time, then small damages add up to a large irritation, which can eventually lead to tennis elbow. Patients with such a problem often describe problems when mowing the lawn, spring-cleaning, or after long periods of overhead screwing or working. Besides tennis … Exercises tennis elbow

Physiotherapy in general | Exercises tennis elbow

Physiotherapy in general In physiotherapy, cold and heat are often used as a therapeutic medium for tennis elbow. Both are usually used as preparation for the subsequent sitting and physiotherapy. However, cold and heat can also be used as independent therapy content. Dressings with pain-relieving or anti-inflammatory ointments can help as after-treatment for tennis elbow, … Physiotherapy in general | Exercises tennis elbow

Exercises for an injury to the inner and outer ligaments

In ligament injuries, mobility in the knee joint is initially restricted by reflex muscle tension, but later on, instability in the knee joint can occur, particularly in the case of torn ligaments. Untreated torn ligaments increase the risk of subsequent knee joint wear and tear – arthrosis in the knee joint. Once the injury has … Exercises for an injury to the inner and outer ligaments

Tapes – Bandages | Exercises for an injury to the inner and outer ligaments

Tapes – Bandages Tape algae and bandages are often used for ligament injuries and instabilities in the knee joint. A distinction is made between stabilizing classic tape and kinesiotape, which hardly restricts the mobility of the taped joint. Classical tape can immobilize the joint and serve as a splint. Kinesiotape can have different functions. There … Tapes – Bandages | Exercises for an injury to the inner and outer ligaments

Summary | Exercises for an injury to the inner and outer ligaments

Summary Inner and outer ligament injuries to the knee are very common. There is pain on the affected side of the knee, swelling, reddening and warming as well as painful restriction of movement. Later on, instability in the knee joint can occur, especially in the case of torn ligaments, because the proprioception as well as … Summary | Exercises for an injury to the inner and outer ligaments