Effect | Cortisone tablets

Effect The main effect of cortisone is the suppression of inflammatory processes and exaggerated immune reactions. The symptoms of the inflammatory reaction disappear with the administration of cortisone, but the cause itself is not combated! Basically, cortisone is merely the inactive form of the body’s own hormone cortisol. Cortisone itself has no biological effect whatsoever, … Effect | Cortisone tablets

Cortisone tablets

Introduction Drugs containing the active ingredient cortisone are used in a wide range of areas and for a variety of diseases. Cortisone is used particularly in the course of organ transplantation, joint and skin diseases. Fields of application Cortisone tablets can be used wherever inflammatory reactions are to be slowed down. For many diseases a … Cortisone tablets

When should cortisone tablets not be used? | Cortisone tablets

When should cortisone tablets not be used? Patients who have already had an allergic reaction to this active substance should not take any further dose. There are no contraindications for short-term applications that may be life-threatening. For longer-term use, certain relative contraindications should be mentioned: During pregnancy and breastfeeding, cortisone tablets should only be taken … When should cortisone tablets not be used? | Cortisone tablets

Interactions with other drugs | Cortisone tablets

Interactions with other drugs The effect of cortisone tablets can be altered by taking different drugs at the same time. Important medications in this context are: Antirheumatic drugs Cardiac glycosides (e.g. digitalis) ACE inhibitors “the pill” Certain antibiotics like rifampicin Oral antidiabetics and insulin When is the best time to take cortisone tablets – before … Interactions with other drugs | Cortisone tablets

Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Introduction The human body contains 600-700 lymph nodes, which serve as a kind of filter station for the lymph fluid. In the lymph nodes is an important defense station of the immune system, which reacts to washed up pathogens or other disturbing influences. Most lymph nodes are located in the head and neck region, followed … Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Causes | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Causes The causes of lymph node swelling in the armpit are manifold. In most cases, these lymph nodes react to an infection, for example a flu-like infection of the respiratory tract. The immune system defends itself against the pathogens and kills them, resulting in the reactive enlargement of the lymph nodes. In both bacterial and … Causes | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Symptoms | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Symptoms A lymph node swelling in the armpit is noticeable through a “knob” in the otherwise smooth armpit. If such a swelling is detected, different criteria of this swelling should be considered. For example, it is important whether the lymph node is painful due to pressure. If so, this is a good sign in the … Symptoms | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Swelling of lymph nodes in the armpit and groin | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Swelling of lymph nodes in the armpit and groin There are numerous lymph nodes in the armpit and groin. Here the lymph is filtered. Lymph node swelling can have numerous causes and is harmless in many cases and disappears again after a few days. If there is a lymph node swelling in the armpit area, … Swelling of lymph nodes in the armpit and groin | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Therapy | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Therapy Lymph node swellings in the armpit are usually not treated, as the swelling disappears on its own when the cause is removed. If it is an infectious disease, the lymph node swelling indicates the activity of the immune system. Once the infection has been fought, the swelling will also disappear. Malignant diseases that originate … Therapy | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Duration of lymph node swelling | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Duration of lymph node swelling The duration of a lymph node swelling in the armpits as well as in other places depends strongly on the triggering cause. Swelling that occurs in the context of an infection should be reduced after a few days. If the swelling occurs after an injury, the swelling can also continue … Duration of lymph node swelling | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Which doctor treats lymph node swelling? | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Which doctor treats lymph node swelling? The treatment of lymph node swelling depends on the underlying cause. Most forms of lymph node swelling can be adequately diagnosed and treated by a general practitioner or internist. For children, the pediatrician is typically the first point of contact. However, if there is a suspicion of a rare … Which doctor treats lymph node swelling? | Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Drug intolerance

Introduction Drug intolerance is an immune reaction of the body to locally applied or otherwise taken drugs. It is therefore ultimately a kind of allergy. Like other allergic reactions, it is an excessive reaction of the immune system to harmless substances (allergens). This defensive reaction then manifests itself in inflammatory processes, which can take on … Drug intolerance