Immunosuppression and Vaccination

What do I need to know about immunosuppression and vaccination? In people with immunosuppression (immunodeficiency, immunodeficiency), the immune system does not work optimally – it is more or less limited in its ability to function. The reason may be a congenital or acquired disease or immunosuppressive therapy. Whatever the reason for immunosuppression or immunodeficiency, there … Immunosuppression and Vaccination


Synonyms Polymyositis, purple diseaseDermatomyositis is an inflammatory disease of the skin and skeletal muscle. In addition, organs such as the kidney or liver can be affected. Dermatomyositis is also called purple disease, as it is primarily noticeable by a purple redness in the area of the eyelids. Frequency distribution In dermatomyositis there are two phases … Dermatomyositis

Symptoms | Dermatomyositis

Symptoms The symptoms of dermatomyositis can vary greatly. However, there are characteristic symptoms that can be seen in most patients. First of all, the classic purple colouring in the area of the eyelid usually occurs; this typical skin change, which occurs mainly in the area of the eyelids and trunk, is caused by an erythema, … Symptoms | Dermatomyositis

Therapy | Dermatomyositis

Therapy In the treatment of dermatomyositis, it is important to know whether a carcinoma has occurred in addition to the disease. In most cases, the removal of the tumour leads to a decrease in the disease. If the patient suffers exclusively from dermatomyositis, he should initially stay away from strong UV light radiation. In addition, … Therapy | Dermatomyositis


Introduction Tecfidera® is a drug that is mainly used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a nervous disease of the chronic inflammatory type. In the course of this disease, the myelin sheaths of the nerves in the central nervous system (CNS) are gradually destroyed. Myelin sheaths are the layer of lipids (fat, … Tecfidera

Application areas | Tecfidera

Application areas Tecfidera® has two main areas of application. Firstly, it is used in multiple sclerosis and secondly, a chemically very similar fumaric acid under the name Fumaderm® is used in psoriasis. In the therapy of multiple sclerosis, the main focus during the application of Tecfidera® is on the reduced number of attacks. Like multiple … Application areas | Tecfidera

Interactions | Tecfidera

Interactions Interactions occur with Tecfidera® above all when the other drug taken has a nephrotoxic effect (toxic to the kidneys). Since Tecfidera® also sometimes causes side effects on the kidneys, the combination of two nephrotoxic drugs could result in severe kidney damage and, in the worst case, kidney failure. Drugs that burden the kidneys include … Interactions | Tecfidera

The HIV infection

Definition The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be transmitted through blood, through sexual intercourse or from mother to child. Acute HIV infection leads to flu-like symptoms. In the further course the immune system is destroyed and opportunistic illness can occur. These diseases are infections that have no effect on healthy people. Today, the virus can … The HIV infection

The transfer | The HIV infection

The transfer Transmission occurs via body fluids of an infected person in direct contact with their own. However, this requires a high concentration of the virus. This applies to blood, semen, vaginal and brain fluid. This explains the main transmission routes. HIV is transmitted through both homosexual and heterosexual sexual intercourse. Especially the direct contact … The transfer | The HIV infection