Symptoms of ADS

Synonyms Attention deficit disorder, attention deficit syndrome, psychoorganic syndrome (POS), attention deficit disorder (ADD) Introduction Children who suffer from ADHD find it difficult to concentrate – the distractibility is immense. It is noticeable that work that has been started is often not completed, which leads to problems especially in the school environment. Even if the … Symptoms of ADS

Lack of concentration in the child | Lack of concentration

Lack of concentration in the child Lack of concentration is frequent and usually temporary in children. Depending on their age, children spend a large part of the day learning and discovering, which means mental effort over many hours. The many new impressions that the child experiences during this process can overwhelm the attention span. Children … Lack of concentration in the child | Lack of concentration

Drugs for the treatment of lack of concentration | Lack of concentration

Drugs for the treatment of lack of concentration Drugs for the treatment of lack of concentration are necessary if the patient suffers from it in the long term despite an adequate supply of nutrients and elimination of psychological factors, such as stress. The first step is to ensure an adequate supply of vitamins and essential … Drugs for the treatment of lack of concentration | Lack of concentration

Lack of concentration

Synonyms in a broader sense Lack of concentration, lack of focus, problems to concentrate, memory weakness, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, hyposthenuria, distractibility, brain performance weakness, rapid fatigue, attention deficit, inattention Definition In order to define a lack of concentration, the term “concentration” must first be described. Concentration is the ability to focus all attention on … Lack of concentration

Test for ADS

Definition An ADS test is intended to find out whether a patient suffers from attention deficit syndrome without hyperactivity or not. As this is a subtype of ADHD, it is usually part of a conventional ADHD test, which consists of many different tests. The detection of this non-hyperactive form is difficult and often occurs late, … Test for ADS

ADS Dreamer Test | Test for ADS

ADS Dreamer Test Tests for non-hyperactive, possibly “dreamy” ADHD do not query hyperactivity or impulsiveness, but typical symptoms such as absence of mind, lack of concentration or forgetfulness. These tests for “dreamers” also aim to identify the resulting problems at school or at work. But just as there cannot be a single unambiguous test for … ADS Dreamer Test | Test for ADS