Infectiousness of an otitis media

General information Acute inflammation of the middle ear is a disease that can be caused by both viral and bacterial pathogens. The causative pathogens are less directly directed against the middle ear, but rather cause an extensive infection, which ultimately causes inflammatory processes within the middle ear. How long is a middle ear infection contagious? … Infectiousness of an otitis media

Is otitis media contagious from kissing? | Infectiousness of an otitis media

Is otitis media contagious from kissing? The germs of the underlying infection can be transmitted via kisses. However, the risk of infection is lower when kissing than when shaking hands, for example. This is due to the fact that there are comparatively fewer pathogens in the mouth and that these germs then reach the stomach … Is otitis media contagious from kissing? | Infectiousness of an otitis media