X-ray of the thorax (chest X-ray)

Definition The X-ray examination of the thorax (medical term: thorax), usually referred to as X-ray thorax, is a frequently performed standard examination. It is used to assess various organs such as the lungs, heart or ribs. For this purpose, the thorax is x-rayed with a relatively small amount of X-rays and pictures are taken. During … X-ray of the thorax (chest X-ray)

Preparation for the examination | X-ray of the thorax (chest X-ray)

Preparation for the examination Before the actual examination, the upper body must usually be undressed. Any kind of jewelry on the upper body should also be removed. Shortly before the chest X-ray is taken, the staff leaves the room where the X-ray is performed. The image itself then only takes a few milliseconds. Afterwards, the … Preparation for the examination | X-ray of the thorax (chest X-ray)

Is the radiation exposure dangerous? | X-ray of the thorax (chest X-ray)

Is the radiation exposure dangerous? The radiation exposure from a chest X-ray is relatively low and comparable to the radiation exposure from a transatlantic flight. Therefore, the examination is usually not directly dangerous. Nevertheless, the possible benefits should always be weighed against the potential damage. Superfluous and too frequent X-rays should be avoided, as otherwise … Is the radiation exposure dangerous? | X-ray of the thorax (chest X-ray)