Home Remedies for Itching

An itch can have several causes, with insect bites, small skin injuries, eczema and allergies among the most common triggers. Against the nerve-racking itching and scratching, however, help many home remedies from cold to salt to vinegar, which are in almost every household. What helps against itching? A decoction of horsetail can be placed on … Home Remedies for Itching

Causes of Hives

Hives, swelling, intense itching and redness: Under a spontaneous urticaria (hives), every fourth person suffers at least once in his life, and 800,000 Germans suffer from the chronic form. The triggers of the often agonizing skin disease are manifold, and in some patients the causative agent is not found at all. What are the differences … Causes of Hives

Lyme Diseases: Causes and Treatment

Symptoms The disease has traditionally been divided into 3 stages, which, however, cannot be clearly distinguished from each other and do not require patients to pass through them obligatorily and sequentially. The staging has therefore been abandoned by some experts in favor of an early and late phase or organ-based classification. Borrelia initially infect the … Lyme Diseases: Causes and Treatment

Tea Tree Oil: Effect, Uses & Risks

Tea tree oil, actually Australian tea tree oil, belongs to the group of essential oils. Native to Australia, tea tree is grown and cultivated to produce the oil. Occurrence and extraction Tea tree oil is the name given to the essential oil extracted from the twigs and leaves of the tea tree, which is mainly … Tea Tree Oil: Effect, Uses & Risks

Schraders Glandular Goosefoot: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Schrader’s glandular goosefoot (lat. Dysphania schrader) belongs to the foxtail family (Amaranthaceae). It is also further referred to as lady’s weed. Occurrence and cultivation of Schrader’s glandular goosefoot. Schrader’s glandular goosefoot belongs to the foxtail family. It is also further referred to as lady’s daisy. In addition to Schrader’s glandular goosefoot, the genus glandular goosefoot … Schraders Glandular Goosefoot: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Swollen oral mucosa

Definition A swollen oral mucosa manifests itself in a thickening of the affected mucosa. This thickening is often accompanied by redness, burning and itching. This unpleasant symptom often occurs in the context of stomatitis, i.e. inflammation of the oral mucosa. The cheek mucous membrane is often affected, but the tongue can also be affected, for … Swollen oral mucosa

Therapy | Swollen oral mucosa

Therapy The treatment of mucosal swelling depends on the underlying cause. Stomatitis can be alleviated by various anti-inflammatory drugs and mouthwashes. Good oral hygiene and abstinence from alcohol and smoking are mandatory. In the case of a drug-related cause, the doctor treating the patient must decide whether the medication is absolutely necessary. In some cases, … Therapy | Swollen oral mucosa

Swollen oral mucosa with palate involvement | Swollen oral mucosa

Swollen oral mucosa with palate involvement The palate often swells up due to burns or allergies. The risk is particularly high in this case because the food is always pressed against the palate when swallowed and the palate is affected. But infections can also be the cause. For example, tonsillitis can cause the soft palate … Swollen oral mucosa with palate involvement | Swollen oral mucosa

Swollen oral mucosa during pregnancy | Swollen oral mucosa

Swollen oral mucosa during pregnancy In pregnant women, strong hormonal changes occur in the initial period. These lead to a loosening of the oral mucosa and faster swelling of the gums. These are good conditions for some bacteria. Dental plaque forms more quickly and inflammation spreads rapidly. Oral hygiene therefore plays a special role, especially … Swollen oral mucosa during pregnancy | Swollen oral mucosa