Violet Root

Products Violet roots are available in pharmacies or drugstores. Specialty retailers can order them from Dixa, Sahag or Hänseler, for example. The whole rhizome (Iridis rhizoma pro infantibus; violet root for children) is used, not the cut drug or powder. Effects Biting on the root has analgesic effects. The roots contain essential oils and have … Violet Root

Albinism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In albinism, a genetic effect causes a deficiency or complete absence of melanin. Among other things, melanin is responsible for the formation of pigments in the skin, eyes and also hair. Albinism, which does not only occur in humans, can become a very conspicuous disease to the outside world. Affected individuals are often referred to … Albinism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Synonyms in a broader sense visual hole Definition The pupil forms the black center of the colored iris. It is through this iris that light enters the eye and travels to the retina, where it leads to the signal transduction that is responsible for the creation of a visual impression. The pupil is variable in … Pupil