
Effects Antianemic Indications Anemia of various causes Agents Iron: Iron tablets Iron infusions Vitamins: Folic acid (various) Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin) Epoetins: See under Epoetine


Products Iron is available in the form of tablets, capsules, chewable tablets, drops, as a syrup, direct granules and as a solution for injection, among others (selection). These are approved drugs and dietary supplements. It is also combined with folic acid, with vitamin C and with other vitamins and minerals fix. Some dosage forms are … Iron

Iron Deficiency Causes and Treatment

Background The iron content of an adult is about 3 to 4 g. In women, the value is somewhat lower than in men. About two-thirds is bound to heme as so-called functional iron, is present in hemoglobin, myoglobin, and in enzymes, and is essential for oxygen supply and metabolism. One-third is found in the iron … Iron Deficiency Causes and Treatment

Dietary Supplements

Products Dietary supplements are commercially available in dosed form, for example, as tablets, capsules, liquids and as powders, and are labeled accordingly on the packaging. They are sold not only in pharmacies and drugstores, but also without advice in supermarkets or online stores. Definition Dietary supplements are regulated by law in many countries by the … Dietary Supplements

Calcium Health Effects

Products Calcium is commercially available in numerous drug products as a monopreparation, a fixed combination with vitamin D (usually cholecalciferol), and other vitamins and minerals. The most commonly used dosage forms include chewable, lozenge, meltable and effervescent tablets. Film-coated tablets that can be swallowed whole have also been available for some time. Structure and properties … Calcium Health Effects

Dyes in Medicines

Which dyes are used? Coloring agents that are also used as food additives (E-numbers) are usually used for medicines. Which colorants are permitted depends on the legislation of the relevant countries. For Switzerland, the specifications published in the Medicines Approval Ordinance (AMZV), in Pharmacopoea Helvetica and in the Additives Ordinance apply. The following list shows … Dyes in Medicines


Products Ferumoxytol is commercially available as a solution for intravenous injection (Rienso). It has been approved in many countries since 2012. Structure and properties Ferumoxytol is a colloidal iron-carbohydrate complex. It contains iron oxide particles with an iron oxide core surrounded by a shell of polyglucose sorbitol carboxymethyl ether. Effects The supplied iron substitutes for … Ferumoxytol

Constipation Causes and Remedies

Symptoms In constipation, the habitual frequency of defecation is reduced. Defecation is difficult, painful, possible only with vigorous pushing, possible only with manual or medication assistance, or temporarily impossible. Stools are hard, lumpy, and patients feel they cannot adequately empty their bowels. Constipation may be accompanied by abdominal pain, cramps, discomfort, and an uncomfortable feeling … Constipation Causes and Remedies

Black bowel movement

Introduction Black stool usually refers to a particularly dark coloration of the stool. The causes are often to be found in nutrition or medication. If this is not the case, one must first think of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the cause of the stool change, black stool can be accompanied by both … Black bowel movement

How black stool is diagnosed | Black bowel movement

How black stool is diagnosed In the case of black stools, the anamnesis (doctor-patient conversation) is the first point of reference. The doctor should ask whether the black stool may have been caused by food, for example. Otherwise, a physical examination of the abdomen should be performed. An ultrasound should also be performed. Blood tests … How black stool is diagnosed | Black bowel movement