Iceberg Lettuce: Intolerance & Allergy

The iceberg lettuce belongs – as well as the head lettuce – to the garden lettuces, which are botanically called Lactuca sativa. A synonym for the iceberg lettuce is iceberg lettuce. Its shape, according to its name, is the same as that of lettuce, although both have different characteristics and nutritional values. This is what … Iceberg Lettuce: Intolerance & Allergy

Iron: Function & Diseases

Iron is a mineral that performs multiple functions in the human organism. Like other inorganic minerals, iron is essential for organic life. Mode of action of iron A blood test of iron levels is used by doctors to further diagnose various diseases. Since the body itself cannot produce iron, it must be supplied from the … Iron: Function & Diseases

Iron: Health Benefits and Side Effects

Iron is a trace element essential for life. It is found in the body in red blood pigment, muscle protein and numerous enzymes. In red blood cells, it transports oxygen, and iron also plays a role in energy production and the manufacture of numerous important substances. Iron is primarily involved in the processes in which … Iron: Health Benefits and Side Effects

Iron Deficiency and Overdose

Appearances of iron deficiency are common. Especially women of childbearing age not infrequently come into a situation with iron deficiency because of monthly blood loss. Principle causes of iron deficiency are: Iron loss: prolonged bleeding due to ulcers or chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoidal bleeding or heavy menstrual bleeding causes iron loss. With … Iron Deficiency and Overdose

Listlessness: Causes, Treatment & Help

Listlessness describes a persistent state of lack of energy, the cause of which can be various disorders or medical conditions. Because of the variety of causes, a thorough medical history and individualized treatment are required. Mild forms of listlessness can be prevented and may be cured without medical assistance, while more severe cases require medical … Listlessness: Causes, Treatment & Help

Plum: Intolerance & Allergy

The plum, a stone fruit, enjoys great popularity worldwide. The generic term plum includes several types of stone fruit. These differ in various characteristics, such as juice content and ripening time. These include the plum, mirabelle plum and reneclode, among others. This is what you should know about the plum Due to the trace elements … Plum: Intolerance & Allergy

Kohlrabi: Intolerance & Allergy

Kohlrabi is a vegetable also known as turnip cabbage or top kohlrabi. It belongs to the cruciferous family and is a biennial plant. It is only in the second year that the tuber develops, which grows above the ground and can grow to a size of 20 centimeters. This is what you should know about … Kohlrabi: Intolerance & Allergy

Coconut Oil: Intolerance & Allergy

A healthy diet includes not only carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, but also fats. Coconut oil is considered particularly healthy. The oil is said to have various healing properties. This is what you should know about coconut oil Coconut oil has a positive effect on health in several ways. Despite its high content of saturated fatty … Coconut Oil: Intolerance & Allergy