Motion Sickness

Symptoms The preliminary stages are fatigue, yawning, difficulty concentrating, headache, mood swings, lethargy, and an increased need for sleep. The actual motion sickness manifests itself acutely in symptoms such as cold sweat, pallor, pale complexion, sensations of warmth and cold, faintness, hyperventilation, rapid pulse rate, low blood pressure, salivation, nausea, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Triggers … Motion Sickness

Antiemetics: Effects, Uses & Risks

In many cases, it can be useful to stop nausea and vomiting with effective means and thus bring about an immediate improvement in the condition. However, treatment with antiemetics is not always indicated, which is why the cause of the disorder should be clarified first. What are antiemetics? Antiemetics are a group of medications that … Antiemetics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Travel sickness

What is it? Travel sickness, also known medically as kinetosis, is a combination of symptoms that often occur during travel. Many affected persons ask themselves what is behind the travel sickness. Travel sickness is widespread in the population, but it is actually not a real disease and is harmless. However, it is very unpleasant for … Travel sickness

Therapy | Travel sickness

Therapy Therapeutically, different measures can be taken when symptoms of motion sickness occur. There are some drugs that can be used in the context of motion sickness. Unfortunately, they do not work equally well for everyone affected, so that everyone has to find the remedy that suits them. The forms in which the drugs are … Therapy | Travel sickness

Travel sickness in children/babies | Travel sickness

Travel sickness in children/babies Travel sickness often occurs in infants and children. Longer car journeys or ship crossings can therefore sometimes become a real torture for them. Infants from the age of 2 years are particularly frequently and severely affected by the travel sickness. Often this period extends approximately up to the beginning of puberty. … Travel sickness in children/babies | Travel sickness

Dizziness with nausea

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Vertigo forms: Positional vertigo, rotational vertigo, swaying vertigo, Dizziness and nausea Dizziness (vertigo) and nausea are complaints that are often associated with each other. If dizziness and nausea occur together, they can be traced back to a number of specific diseases, most of which originate in the central nervous … Dizziness with nausea

Stress | Dizziness with nausea

Stress Stress is a typical trigger for complaints such as dizziness and nausea in our society today. Permanent or long-lasting stress at work or in the private environment, especially the cardiovascular system is upset, resulting in increased heart rates and high blood pressure. This can damage the organ of equilibrium and thus cause dizziness. The … Stress | Dizziness with nausea

Dizziness and nausea with vomiting & diarrhea | Dizziness with nausea

Dizziness and nausea with vomiting & diarrhea Typically, dizziness, nausea and vomiting or even diarrhea occur together in the so-called travel diseases, which are called kinetoses. They occur mainly during air, car, ship or train journeys. The various optical and vestibular sensory impressions cannot be reconciled with the acceleration movements. The result is dizziness, accompanied … Dizziness and nausea with vomiting & diarrhea | Dizziness with nausea

Other symptoms | Dizziness with nausea

Other symptoms Other symptoms that can occur in connection with dizziness, nausea and diarrhea: Tremble Sweating Tiredness Circulatory complaints Low blood pressure Dizziness Disturbance of equilibrium Headaches Migraine Abdominal pain Dizziness, nausea and tremor are also a typical symptom combination of various diseases. In addition to the above-mentioned poisoning with food, plants, etc., trembling also … Other symptoms | Dizziness with nausea

Dizziness, vomiting & nausea during pregnancy | Dizziness with nausea

Dizziness, vomiting & nausea during pregnancy Dizziness, (morning) nausea and vomiting are typical symptoms, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, which are summarized to the first trimester. They are therefore also called uncertain pregnancy signs. In addition, a tightening of the breasts or the absence of periods also indicate pregnancy. A positive pregnancy … Dizziness, vomiting & nausea during pregnancy | Dizziness with nausea