Sauna in Pregnancy

Many pregnant women always ask themselves the question of whether they can go to the sauna without hesitation. Even if it is basically healthy, a few things should still be considered in advance when taking a sauna during pregnancy. It should be noted that sauna use cannot automatically be recommended for every pregnant woman; there … Sauna in Pregnancy

Social Phobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Social phobia, or social phobia, is an anxiety disorder. In it, sufferers fear attracting negative attention and embarrassing themselves in company. The fear revolves around the possibility that general attention will be focused on one’s own person. About 11 to 15 percent of people develop social phobia during their lifetime. What is social phobia? Social … Social Phobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Wound Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Wound pain is an important warning signal to alert to disorders and diseases that can be dangerous to the body. Therefore, injuries, whether from surgery or accidents, are always associated with pain. They may even persist beyond the actual healing. What is wound pain? Wound pain includes not only pain, from the injury itself, but … Wound Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Microtubules: Structure, Function & Diseases

Microtubules are protein filaments that have a tubular structure and, together with actin and intermediate filaments, form the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. They stabilize the cell and also participate in transport and movement within the cell. What are microtubules? Microtubules are tubular polymers whose protein structures are about 24nm in diameter. Together with other filaments, … Microtubules: Structure, Function & Diseases