
Low blood pressure, hypotension, is not a disease in its own right. The old adage ” hypotonics live long and poorly, hypertensives live short and well” still applies, at least statistically. What is behind low blood pressure and how can it be treated? You can find out here. What is hypotension? Hypotension is the technical … Hypotension

Low blood pressure during pregnancy

Definition A low blood pressure during pregnancy is said to exist when the blood pressure is below 100/60 mmHg. Blood pressure values that are lower than this are referred to in medical terminology as hypotension. As part of the natural adaptation mechanisms during pregnancy, blood pressure usually falls rather than rising. Therefore, low blood pressure … Low blood pressure during pregnancy

When do I have to go to the doctor? | Low blood pressure during pregnancy

When do I have to go to the doctor? In principle, the doctor should be consulted when symptoms occur. If headaches or a general weakness should occur repeatedly, it is recommended to consult the gynecologist in charge and describe the complaints. Furthermore, in the event of severe circulatory problems, such as circulatory collapse, unconsciousness or … When do I have to go to the doctor? | Low blood pressure during pregnancy

Homeopathy | Low blood pressure during pregnancy

Homeopathy There is neither scientific evidence nor uniform recommendations for the effects of homeopathic remedies. Particularly during pregnancy, one should refrain from taking medicines or homeopathic remedies – whether or not they are freely available – without consulting the gynaecologist in charge. Homeopathic remedies are not uniformly tested and experience values in pregnancy are simply … Homeopathy | Low blood pressure during pregnancy

Can low blood pressure be a sign of pregnancy? | Low blood pressure during pregnancy

Can low blood pressure be a sign of pregnancy? Low blood pressure is not a classic sign of pregnancy. It is only during the course of pregnancy that the maternal circulation adapts and the blood pressure drops. However, this is not yet the case in early pregnancy, so that a pregnancy cannot be detected by … Can low blood pressure be a sign of pregnancy? | Low blood pressure during pregnancy

Points Diet

What is the points diet? The 13-point diet is a diet that is designed to bring about weight loss. No calories are counted, but the food is divided into different categories, which in turn are assigned a score. On the day 13 points may be eaten. In addition, there is the possibility to earn more … Points Diet

Side effect of the diet | Points Diet

Side effect of the diet With the 13-point diet, much depends on the user himself. In general, all food groups are allowed, whereby foods rich in fat and carbohydrates are given a higher point value. Those who eat less carbohydrates as part of their diet may experience reduced performance, concentration and circulation problems. If the … Side effect of the diet | Points Diet

What alternative diets are there to the points diet? | Points Diet

What alternative diets are there to the points diet? There are many extremely low-calorie diets that advertise with quick results. These include mono diets such as the rice diet, cabbage soup diet, military diet and many more. However, these are very one-sided, sometimes harmful methods of weight loss. Those who want to lose and maintain … What alternative diets are there to the points diet? | Points Diet

PH value in blood

What is the normal pH value in the blood? The normal pH value in the blood is between 7.35 and 7.45. Keeping the pH value in the blood constant is important for maintaining all bodily functions. This is mainly due to the fact that the structure of the body’s proteins is highly dependent on the … PH value in blood