Fascin: Function & Diseases

Fascins represent small and extremely compact protein molecules that interact with actin filaments. In doing so, they bundle the actin chains, preventing their further cross-linking. Fascins further serve as markers in cancer diagnosis. What is fascin? Fascins are proteins that regulate the activity of actin filaments. Their role is to package actin filaments so that … Fascin: Function & Diseases

This sport strengthens your immune system | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

This sport strengthens your immune system Sports, especially endurance sports such as swimming, jogging or cycling, have been proven to strengthen the immune system. How exactly sport does this is not entirely clear. One explanation is that the lymphatic fluid is better transported by muscle movements. In addition to dietary fats, the lymphatic fluid transports … This sport strengthens your immune system | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

Vaccinations | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

Vaccinations A vaccination strengthens the immune system in much the same way as an exercise for an emergency: components of pathogens or attenuated pathogens are injected into the body, usually by means of an injection into the muscle, which then elicits an appropriate immune response. This immune response is significantly weaker than in an actual … Vaccinations | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

Immune System

Synonyms in the broadest sense innate immune defence, acquired immune defence, endogenous defence system, antibodies, bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, complement system, monocytes, granulocytes, mast cells, macrophages, killer cells, lymph cells, lymphocytes, B cells, T cells, CD8+ cells, T helper cells, dendritic cells, lymphatic system Definition The immune system is a system developed over … Immune System

The acquired immune system | Immune System

The acquired immune system The acquired immune system consists of two components: the so-called humoral immune response/immune system, which leads to the formation of antibodies (see below), and the cellular immune response/immune system, which leads to the destruction of the affected pathogen via so-called cytotoxic cells. The lymph cells (lymphocytes) are extremely important for the … The acquired immune system | Immune System

Tolosa Hunt Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In neurology, tolosa-hunt syndrome is a special form of sinus cavernosus syndrome characterized by the failure of various cranial nerves. In tolosa Hunt syndrome, paralysis of the ocular musculature is present due to granulomatous inflammation. The prognosis is favorable, but recurrences often occur. What is Tolosa-Hunt syndrome? Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a special form of cavernous … Tolosa Hunt Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment