Nicotine is Poison for the Eyes

One of the most dangerous eye diseases is age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is the most common cause of severe visual impairment, including loss of central visual acuity, in Germany. In the later stages of this retinal disease, it is no longer possible to read or recognize faces. Not all factors that lead to AMD … Nicotine is Poison for the Eyes


Products Pegaptanib was commercially available as a solution for injection (Macugen). It was approved in many countries in 2006 and has since been discontinued. Structure and properties Pegaptanib is an aptamer and a pegylated and modified oligonucleotide. Effects Pegaptanib (ATC S01LA03) binds to extracellular vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and inhibits its activity. VEGF plays … Pegaptanib

Fruits and Vegetables: Good for the Eyes

It is estimated that around one million visually impaired and blind people live in Germany. The impaired vision has very different causes. Vegetables and fruit seem to be able to positively influence some of these conditions. Causes of visual impairment The most common cause of blindness in our country is age-related macular degeneration (AMD), followed … Fruits and Vegetables: Good for the Eyes


Synonyms retinal tumor What is a retinoblastoma? A retinoblastoma is a tumor of the retina (at the back of the eye). This tumor is genetic, i.e. hereditary. It usually occurs in childhood and is malignant. How common is retinoblastoma? Retinoblastoma is a congenital tumor or it develops in early childhood. It is the most common … Retinoblastoma

Causes of optic atrophy

The optic nerve is formed by approximately one million nerve fibers. These nerve fibers are grouped into bundles and meet about 10 to 15 millimeters behind the eyeball with the central artery of the retina and the vein. Together, the vessels then move forward in the interior of the nerves to the optic nerve head … Causes of optic atrophy

Photodynamic therapy

Synonyms in a broader sense Definition – What is photodynamic therapy? Photodynamic therapy is a procedure that is intended to have a healing or soothing effect on skin tumors and vascularization and consists of light irradiation in combination with chemicals. The method of photodynamic therapy The idea behind photodynamic therapy is to damage and destroy … Photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy is so painful | Photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy is so painful Phototherapy was often described as a painful therapy in the early stages. In the meantime, the treatment options have been improved to the extent that the pain has given way to a distinct feeling of warmth. If strong complaints should nevertheless occur under the therapy, these can be treated well … Photodynamic therapy is so painful | Photodynamic therapy

How to treat photodynamic therapy after? | Photodynamic therapy

How to treat photodynamic therapy after? The follow-up treatment of photodynamic therapy initially follows a fixed scheme. Within the first 24 hours, the skin is particularly sensitive to light, so direct sunlight should be avoided at all costs. It is best to protect yourself with sufficiently long clothing and a headgear. In addition, one should … How to treat photodynamic therapy after? | Photodynamic therapy

This is what you have to do to get the costs covered | Costs of a photodynamic therapy

This is what you have to do to get the costs covered In principle, an application for reimbursement of costs for photodynamic therapy must first be submitted to the respective health insurance company. This application should be made well before the start of the planned treatment, as it usually takes some time before such an … This is what you have to do to get the costs covered | Costs of a photodynamic therapy