Physiotherapy gait training

The gait training is of great importance in physiotherapy. Quite unconsciously, we learn to walk as a child and do not worry about how we move in everyday life. However, as soon as injuries, orthopedic malpositions or even neurological diseases lead to limitations, these also have an enormous effect on our gait. For example, if … Physiotherapy gait training

Pain between shoulder blades and armpit | Pain on the chest

Pain between shoulder blades and armpit Pain between the shoulder blade and armpits is also usually caused by the muscles or connective tissue. They can occur, for example, after excessive training with push-ups or by lifting too hard, often with some delay. A long-term, very one-sided strain on the muscles, for example from a desk … Pain between shoulder blades and armpit | Pain on the chest

Diagnosis | Pain on the chest

Diagnosis For a diagnosis, the doctor first asks for details about the pain: Possible clues to the cause may be In an anamnesis interview, the doctor also asks about accompanying complaints, previous illnesses, eating habits and possible family illnesses. Diagnostic tools such as X-rays or echocardiography can also be used to detect or rule out … Diagnosis | Pain on the chest

Pain on the chest

Definition Chest pain (called thoracic pain by the medical profession) occurs in a wide variety of forms and intensities and can therefore have a wide variety of causes. For example, the pain can be pressing, throbbing or stabbing, motion-dependent or motion-independent and accompanied by various other symptoms such as heartburn, vomiting, increased sweating or upper … Pain on the chest

Chest pain causes and therapy

Synonym Chest pain, sternal pain, chest pains. Definition of chest pain Chest pain is a term used to describe pain whose cause is either in the chest and can be located there or in other parts of the body and radiates into the chest. Chest pain is usually complained of by middle-aged patients. The symptom … Chest pain causes and therapy

Therapy | Chest pain causes and therapy

Therapy The therapy of chest pain depends entirely on the triggering cause (see corresponding clinical pictures). In the case of muscular or skeletal causes, medication with analgesic or antispasmodic drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) can be used. Psychogenic causes should be further treated by an established specialist in psychiatry. When can chest pain occur? Chest pain that … Therapy | Chest pain causes and therapy