Mandible: Anatomy & Function

What is the mandible? The lower jaw bone consists of a body (corpus mandibulae), the rear ends of which merge into an ascending branch (ramus mandibulae) on both sides at the angle of the jaw (angulus mandibulae). The angle formed by the body and branch (angulus mandibulae) varies between 90 and 140 degrees depending on … Mandible: Anatomy & Function

Orbital cavity

Anatomy The orbita is the paired cavity that contains the eyeball and the appendages of the visual system. The bones of the skull are divided into the cranial skull and the facial skull. The facial skull comprises many small bones that form the fine structures of the face and give it its shape. The eye … Orbital cavity

Lower jaw

The human jaw comprises two parts, the upper jaw and the lower jaw. These two bony structures differ significantly from each other both in size and shape. While the upper jaw (lat. Maxilla) is formed by a paired bone and is firmly connected to the skull bone, the lower jaw (lat. Mandibula) consists of a … Lower jaw

Lower jaw treatment | Lower jaw

Lower jaw treatment Sensitive treatment of the mandible is carried out by the large mandibular nerve, the inferior alveolar nerve. This nerve represents a split of the nervus mandibularis, which in turn originates from the fifth cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve. Both the inferior alveolar nerve and the relevant vessels (artery and inferior alveolar vein) … Lower jaw treatment | Lower jaw