Kleine-Levin Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kleine-Levin syndrome is an episodic recurrent hypersomnia characterized by increased sleepiness, perceptual disturbances, and paradoxical waking behaviors. Presumably, a central nervous cause is present. To date, there is no established treatment option because of its low prevalence. What is Kleine-Levin syndrome? The medical profession knows Kleine-Levin syndrome as periodic hypersomnia in childhood or adolescence. More … Kleine-Levin Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Neuroscience: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Neuroscience deals with the structure, function and disorders of nerves. These are thereby considered from a medical, biological as well as psychological point of view. In addition to the individual elements, the focus is primarily on complex nervous systems and the cooperation of the structures as well as complaints resulting from diseases. What are the … Neuroscience: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Wernickes Encephalopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Wernicke encephalopathy is a systemic degenerative brain disease based on vitamin B1 deficiency. The disease particularly often affects alcoholics, patients with eating disorders, or those with chronic bowel disease. Treatment anchors in a substitution of the missing thiamine. What is Wernicke’s encephalopathy? Encephalopathies are damage that affects the brain as a whole. They can be … Wernickes Encephalopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Vitamin B: Function & Diseases

The term vitamin B refers to a group of eight vitamins, all of which perform different functions for the body and health. The majority of B vitamins are absorbed through food. Certain life circumstances may necessitate an increased requirement. What is vitamin B and what effect does it have? The term vitamin B refers to … Vitamin B: Function & Diseases

The Human Brain

In numerous events, people repeatedly refer to the learning and working successes as well as the incredible complexity of our “gray cells”. Incidentally, this term refers to the ganglion cells and marrowless nerve fibers that make up the central nervous system, which are not covered with a white insulating layer – hence their grayish appearance. … The Human Brain

The dementia disease

Introduction Dementia is an umbrella term that describes a variety of symptoms of brain failure and can be traced back to various causes. The important thing here is that learned abilities and thought processes are lost. In addition, it can lead to disturbances in attention and consciousness. Social and emotional abilities can also be affected, … The dementia disease

Therapy of dementia | The dementia disease

Therapy of dementia There are many different therapeutic approaches that aim to stabilize or even improve mental performance. In the most common form of dementia, neurodegenerative dementia, drugs that inhibit enzymes that normally cleave acetylcholine must be mentioned. Such drugs are called acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. This has the consequence that more of this messenger substance is … Therapy of dementia | The dementia disease

Stages of dementia

Dementia is a slowly progressing disease that is accompanied by loss of mental capacity. This is due to dying nerve cells. The disease progresses at different speeds depending on the patient, but cannot be stopped permanently. Depending on which symptoms occur and how pronounced the dementia is, stages are subdivided in the case of dementia. … Stages of dementia

Duration | Stages of dementia

Duration The duration of the dementia illness is different in each case. No rules can be identified that predict how long the disease will last. What is certain is that the disease cannot be cured, but can only be delayed by taking some medication. On average, each stage lasts about three years, so that, depending … Duration | Stages of dementia

Retrograde Amnesia

Definition Under a retrograde amnesia (lat. retrograde: “spatially and temporally receding”, Greek. Amnesia: “loss of memory“) refers to a loss of memory, or the lack of memory and awareness of things and experiences that took place shortly before a certain event, e.g. an accident. After a severe trauma, for example, the affected person cannot remember … Retrograde Amnesia